[KB/M] suggestions/refactoring (current as of patch2)

This part is without bugs which are PLENTIFUL and in separate section here

NOTE: this is work in progress

Some/most of those are not applicable to gamepads due to their inherent lack of buttons and overall crushing inflexibility.


  1. Merge all 3 layouts into single one, and …
  2. … and allow people to unbind (possibly overlapping) functionality they don’t need
  3. Add separate section under options pertaining to keybinds
  4. Menu-level keybinds
  5. Missing useful keybinds
  6. Many keys unusable for rebinding
  7. Some keys/buttons are hardcoded
  8. Target locking mess
  9. Allow to bind 2 keys to 1 action (not strictly necessary and can be workarounded with any self respecting gaming mouse/keyboard, but none the less nice to have)

Further elaboration below

  • ad. 1+2
    This should be self explanatory - instead of having a mess of 3 layouts with weird hardcoded decisions (such as split dodge/sprint or not, rune selection or instant cast, etc.) just have one section with all variations that people can use as they see fit and don’t bother with functionality the don’t need. So for example someone could keybind instant cast rune keys and unbind select rune keybind + execute rune keybind.
    This should also make things much simpler from development point of view.

  • ad. 3
    Further customization of behavior should be done in dedicated section with options. The options imho desperately missing as of today (patch 1) are:

    • dedicated dodge: on-press, on-release (currently dodge is always on release, even if dedicated)
    • shared dodge/run: prioritize run, prioritize dodge; while this might rise an eyebrow, IF you implement points 1 and 2 people can for example settle for: a) “combat” dodge+run (dodge prioritized) having everything under 1 button + b) dedicated run for exploration + c) dedicated dodge unbound
    • release target lock: hold, press
    • manual target lock selection: nearest to player’s character, nearest to the mouse cursor
  • ad. 4
    The game currently de-facto almost requires everyone not using wasd to rebind keyboard to match the game’s menu/inventory buttons. People without gaming/programming keyboards are left with workarounds like AHK.

  • ad. 5

    • as of now, the game wants you to use run (or run+dodge) to change elevation; this is also one of the main - if not the main reason for amazing “felt to death” counter - thus having dedicated keybind for JUST that - that doesn’t roll or run you off every 2nd cliff - would be great
    • more direct shortcuts to quick/food items would be great; again this assumes implementation of points 1 and 2
    • target cycling should be normally rebindable and configurable
  • ad.6
    Currently non-rebindable keys/buttons:

    • all numeric numpad keys
    • MWheel up/down
    • besides that, many theoretically rebindable ones are bugged (see the bugs link at the top)

    numpad and function keys are particularly bad, as:

    • gamers will frequently use those keys for additional mouse buttons
    • lefthanders will frequently use some of the numpad block’s keys
  • ad. 7
    Currently discovered:

    • R will do parry (key is still bindable and will execute both functions)
    • MWheel up/down is hardcoded to targeting

    Please don’t hardcode anything.

  • ad. 8
    Targeting is - to put it lightly - inconsistent / frustrating at the moment. Overall:

    • automatic target lock should be done based on player’s distance to the enemy, selecting the closest; I have no idea what the game is basing its selection off now, but it for sure doesn’t behave as such
    • manual target lock should be configurable (see point 3. above) based on distance to the mouse cursor or character
    • target cycling should be rebindable (currently hardcoded to mwheel) and also based on the distance to player’s character (near->far and far->near)
    • target unlock should be configurable - hold or press
  • ad. 9
    self explanatory

Tactical Cross Link: