With the current key rebinds I still can’t play the way I want to play.
I want to use Runes on press (1, 2, 3 & 4) and use Spacebar to Dodge. Currently, I can’t have this with the current rebinding options. I can’t play with ‘‘Mouse and Keyboard Scheme’’.
Mostly Keyboard Scheme:
- Add a toggle so we can use Runes by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, like Mouse and WASD has.
Mouse and WASD:
- Add an option to rebind Dodging like Mostly Keyboard Scheme has.
Either of those 2 options fixes my issue.
If I am being a doofus please let me know, since I can’t seem to rebind my keys in the way I want to play.
Edit: If members of the community figure out a way to play like this, I’d much appreciate it if they could let me know how