Interview with Thomas by Ginger Prime (2 Hour Long)

This is a summary of the information shared/discussed in the video:

Just bear in mind that most of these aren’t direct quotes but me just writing down and summarizing what was said. I have categorized them relative to the topics that I think fit the best. I still think the interview is worth a listen, as it is a really good interview. And hats off to Ginger Prime for hosting this interview.

The World

A large part of Isola Sacra, the world/map, is already build but not polished. Players should want to log in every day and do different things in the world - new quests/content. The world should also offer new things to do each day and you won’t be able to do everything each day. There is more content to come which will improve the systems that are currently in place.


Perfecting items immediately could become an issue. Exalting gets players ‘‘too close to the sky too quickly’’.

Trading between players

There was some discussion about auction houses in games and trading. They are mindful of the fact that trading gear between players and buying from the auction house doesn’t replace finding good loot - getting stuff too quickly to overcome a boss fight/playing the economy game etc.

XP and loot in the Crucible

XP from the crucible has been removed with regards to future releases. They don’t want players to overlevel and then do new content and find it too easy. Previously, Wicked had a zone for T1 and T2 gear and the Crucible was for T3 gear. Now loot has been mostly removed and a new area will come that features T3 gear, more bear paws and silver etc. There are chests in the Crucible that gives items.

Balancing EA and new updates

Some features in the game are removed/changed with future updates and 1.0 in mind. They try to make sure that EA players have a good experience right now but are also mindful of how the systems work in future updates and 1.0. So some things are changed with future updates in mind.

Sidenote from me: Think of the vast amount of posts about the XP/loot removal from crucible or the silver scarcity posts. These changes happened with future builds in mind, namely a new zone with T3 resources and gear.

Multiplayer and the Breach update

Thomas didn’t want to ‘breach’ anything :joy:

What he did say essentially was that fans are waiting for a big content expansion, a bigger world, more story updates, more bosses, more enemies, more everything and then we, the players, want to play together. And, that they would be stupid not to listen.

47:05 - 47:40 of the video

They are very cautious of making Multiplayer work correctly.

The next update will advance the plot.

Postleveling Experience

They need to make sure that the campaign is the campaign and that the people feel like that they keep playing Wicked because there is so much to do and that the campaign is 1/3 of the experience. Endgame is this 1 thing to do but how to make the world feel alive and that players feel like they still have a lot to do. And, every day there is something else to do.

Cerim Sanctuary

Area’s with the 4 Cerim Statues will be an entrance in the future to the Cerim Sanctuary. They are Puzzle elements in the overworld, and are connected to the farming systems. Sand Guardians outside the Cerim Sanctuary and if you make them beautiful, similar to a Japanese shrine or plant things you gain a powerful buff - this is optional. Cerim Sanctuary can require several items and gives you a buff that can last several days or something and is group wide.

Realm Modifiers

Hardcore mode = Confirmed (it is ready and working, but it is a question about when to drop it and polish it)

With regards to realm modifiers they think about player retention and replay ability. Officially supported ways in the game for players to challenge themselves and earn new and unique rewards exclusive to those ways to play. Or ways for players to play the game differently, more focus on adding new survival elements. They seemed to be open to those things, but they have to wait and see.

Thomas seemed hesitant on making enemies easier as it removes the challenge and thus part of the fun. He mentioned they have a plan for what they allow players to modify.

Personalized Player Stats

They are tracking player stats such as player deaths, falling, kill counter etc. Ginger Prime suggested that players could see those stats and Thomas was receptive of the suggestion.


Thomas said the story is going to become really crazy and wants to take it to the level where it is almost Game of Thrones-like. Back when you don’t know who they are gonna kill off. Feeling something for the NPC’s, they want to tell an epic saga. At the end of Wicked everyone had their character arcs, trials and tribulations and players won’t never know what will happen next with the story. Also which factions stay alive and who betrays who.


No plan to add this.

There are weight classes, consider PvP where someone is wearing light armor but in reality they are wearing heavy gear also build meta’s.

There will be more fashion options regarding customization. Transmog just overrides the choice you made.

Player Builds and Sacrament Upgrades

Thomas wants there to be a variety of builds and that players feel proud of the builds they made, the upgrades they have done to Sacrament, their housing and all that stuff. Building Sacrament should feel like building a character, that you are investing into something and feel proud of it.

Players should be able to play what they want. So if someone wants to play as a ninja, paladin or barbarian they should be able to. Thomas also mentioned it would be cool if players could play like a merchant or become the lumberjack of the town.

Sacrament and Wicked should be a place for everybody, wife, kids etc.


Being able to respec a heavy fighter into a mage ruins the achievement of making a build.

Magic, Elements and Summoning Builds (Necromancer)

Changes are on the way. They are unhappy how elements worked out in EA. What is in right now is okay but not amazing. Different elements should play differently. Also applies to Faith builds, those should also play differently. They didn’t have the time to implement it in this way yet. Those builds lack some uniqueness. Thomas dislikes how a fire mage throws a fire ball and an ice mage throws an ice ball. This is something they want to change 100%. There won’t be any new elements yet. The current elements have to feel perfect first. And, if they feel like they could do something new, they will. Thomas also mentioned summoning and a Necromancer for 1.0. Something they want to figure out is how pets would traverse terrain or climb - pathfinding etc.


They greatly appreciate the feedback and actively look and listen to all the feedback. They want to know what the community thinks.

Skill Trees

Thomas said he doesn’t know if it will be ready for EA or 1.0, they have to wait and see. Players missed some satisfaction from leveling and leveling lacks some depth. It will affect a tons of things and they are discussing things. Thomas didn’t it to become something like the Paragon system? Basically, not a system where it increases your numbers by X or by X%. There should be different Strength builds with different talents and they play completely differently. And, that is what they want. He said he can’t make promises since they want to do it right since it is a major rework and is still being debated.

Ultimately, the ultimate goal, the talent tree/the choice during leveling and character progression matter just as much as your gear choice. Which is not the case currently.


They had a system where stats did more. So strength would do more than just damage. But, they pivoted away from this as it could lead to bad builds.


They will bring some affix values into the stat screens so you can see the totals of various stacked stats.


It is for the better of the game and they have more stuff coming, and ultimately the balance should work they would like it to.

New Game Modes

More game modes outside of Crucible and the Crucible will be extended heavily. The Crucible is a training ground?

Tower Defense Mode with level design and run around from tower to tower.

On of the statues in the Crucible will be with hoards of enemies in waves and picking boons.

Prayer System

The idea is similar to Hades Heat modifiers? Raising Stakes and then Raising the Rewards.


It is ready up until 1.0 but they want to be flexible and move things depending on community feedback.

More Crafting Recipes

They have an exclusivity system where some items only drop, some from vendors and some are only craftable. They are going back and forth internally if this should remain the same or if all items should be craftable.

Private Division shutting down

Thomas said to not be concerned as they will keep working on the game and that they will be fine.


nice, thanks for the summary :wink: its actually a good interview, i have that running in the background, it’s pretty nice

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Done, I got most of the important stuff in here. I still recommend people give the interview a listen as I might have missed stuff. And, it is just a really good interview.


just a sidenote, you better not kill of the Madrigal, I can fix her!