Feedback after 100+ hours on gearing in EA and my approach for 1.0

Warning big wall of text and no TLDR at the bottom.

This post is a response to some of the topics discussed in Ginger Prime’s interview with Thomas.

Link Topic: Interview with Thomas by Ginger Prime (2 Hour Long)

The topic contains a brief summary, but please also give it a listen as it is a really good interview.

Link video:


This post is meant more so for the developers as to give some insights into how I as a player approach gearing. And, how I intend to approach the 1.0 launch of the game with regards to gearing. This is also going to be a bit of a rant so I will be more informal.

How will I approach 1.0

I already know my roleplay fantasy for release. I’m gonna play a Crusader/Templar Knight/Teutonic Order 100 fucking percent. This is by far my favourite roleplay fantasy. But, what does that mean in terms of gearing for me? Simple, I want to get as close as possible to looking like this:

Teutonic Knight

I would prefer either a greatsword, bardiche/polearm or a tower shield and flail – please add flails :+1:

In terms of armor this means I will use whatever type of armor gets me the closest to live out this roleplay fantasy. I don’t give 2 shits about the stats or if another plate item gives 69 more base armor. Or if it is considered BiS (best in slot). I will prefer aesthetics over stats every single time.

Currently the closest I can get to this is with the crestfallen knight helmet (t2). Gloves and pants don’t matter as much as they look the same for the most part and you don’t see them as often. But, the chest and helmet are the key pieces. Now, the crestfallen knight’s chestpiece I hate. It makes me look fat and it has some stuff hanging behind my character that looks weird. I want a big bucket helmet (full helmet) with fancy decorations, winged horns, crosses whatever the fuck you guys can come up with that make it clear it is a religious character. Let me wear a big nice mail hauberk with a tabard and some religious iconography on it. If it has a furred cloak even better, I want my knight to look badass. The closest armor piece in this regard is the standard t3 plate sold by Fillmore – the Eversol Knight armor.

Achieving my roleplay fantasy through aesthetics

The issue here is with mixing and matching armor right. So the Crestfallen Knight armor is largely white/red with red feathers on the helmet and the Eversol Knight armor has a black cloak on the chest armor. This doesn’t mix yeah. Now, I am with Thomas and the devs on not wanting transmog for also various others reasons. But, I do want armor dyes so we can mix and match various pieces together. The Teutonic Order uses black and white as their colours. And, I would want to use a similar color scheme. So I can slap that dye on the helmet and have it change to white/black so I am not some walking fashion disaster resembling vanilla WoW players. It also makes players try to mix and match more different armors, right. Or if someone wants to make a greatsword character from Warhammer and use the Reikland armor colours (red/white) it would be a perfect fit with the Knellap Armor. It has the same poofy looking shoulders/legs/arms. You can’t use the helmet because it wouldn’t fit the roleplay fantasy. So you would have to use the Duelist hat, since it is a similar hat to the greatsword soldiers from Warhamer (Sigmar).

Crafting & Enchanting

I’m gonna sound like a broken record here. But, in the interview Thomas mentioned crafting recipes and how they have a exclusivity system with how some gear is only from drops and others is only crafted etc. This is from my EA perspective from what we have in the game and how it functions currently.

After over 100+ hours I still don’t have a perfected Crestfallen Knights helmet. I probably have found less than 20 in my total time playing the game. White gear availability is 1 big issue. Blue and purple gear I consider 100% vendor trash. They almost never have the enchants I want, and if they have usable enchant they are not on the gear that I want. I am dead set on using the Crestfallen Knight’s helmet, my current one is an infused one.

The other issue is the 100% randomization of enchanting. My biggest issue with this is that it is just not fun the interact with enchanting. Now I am 100% sure this will change in the future.

But, this is the worst part. You have two systems that interact with each other and they both have randomization elements. Which in turn worsen each other. I have played around 12 hours of the new update. Half of it testing crucible and the other half farming Crestfallen Knight helmets as well as trying to get a white/common Shattered Sun as I wanna swap weapons. After 6 hours of farming in the new update I found 1 Crestfallen Knight helmet (Common), 1 Crestfallen Knight gloves (Common), 1 Shattered Sun (Blue à useless). Now enchanting being 100% random it is almost guaranteed that my Crestfallen Knight helmet will get ruined when I enchant it. And, it did.

Another potential problem is how some greatswords can have better movesets, depends on the perspective of the player, but the swords have different stats. I use Summer’s Sting Str/Faith but wanna swap to Shattered Sun Str/Int since the animation chain looks cooler. Now 26 embers to change from Faith to Int isn’t a big deal for me, I am in endgame. But, newer players will hit a wall here. Where I hit the wall is the accessibility to the weapon. After 6 hours I haven’t found a white/common one yet.

Either white gear has to be made more accessible so we can enchant more, which I think is the worse solution. Or enchanting has more customization elements. The latter also makes enchanting more fun as it becomes more interactive. Given how scarce specific gear is, which makes it a nightmare to make aesthetic builds, we need an option to disenchant. But, then we have a new issue given how easy enchanting is.

Currently enchanting is like a lottery. Yesterday alone I bought 50 Eversol Knight pants and ran them through the enchanting machine. Every single one of them was not better than what I already have. And, the one I have currently only has 2 useful stats out of 4 (the curse isn’t so bad). To further add to this, to get this piece I have spend more than 50 attempts at enchanting. And, that is just the pants. Now imagine this for gear that is only available through gear drops in the overworld. That is a nightmare.

Again, you as developers know what is coming in the future and in 1.0, I can only share my current experience with the systems in place. And, from my pov enchanting is the biggest evil in the game. It is not fun to interact with. And, as more affixes get added the complete randomization of it will make it worse.

Now, with the recent Crucible change you guys introduced a boon system. Why not have enchanting work similar to it, present the player with 4 affix cards to chose from. Have some reroll options and ways to influence the draws. If you pick too many good affixes it gets cursed. Or a specific affix always comes with a curse or something.

Divine does not exist as an element or else I would 100% use it for my Templar Knight. Instead I go for Heat damage (righteous fury). So 100% I would want a Heat enchant for my main weapon. Thomas mentioned in the interview how they changed levelling and added a talent tree since levelling wasn’t satisfying. Please consider changing enchanting as well, since it really is not satisfying to interact with. Thomas also mentioned how we as players want to feel proud of our build and want to have a sense of accomplishment. 100% I want that. Allow me to also do this with enchanting, if I can handpick the enchants from a random list then I can get that sense of accomplishment more so than playing a lottery where the odds are against me. I know I might sound harsh on all of this, but that is because I care about the game, and I want it to succeed. Let enchanting be a mixture of randomization and customization in w/e form fits best with your other systems, but please don’t let it remain as 100% random. It really needs more depth, I don’t feel like I am interacting with the system. I am just clicking enchant dozens of times of the same piece of equipment hoping one of them is decent.

Enchanting is genuinely one of the few things that actually pisses me off about the game. Every time I enchant I feel like I am flushing several of hours of farming worth down the drain. Especially for non-craftable/non-purchasable gear. Also, if enchanting has more customization to it, 100% should it become more costly to enchant gear. I want to feel like I am working on creating my perfect piece of equipment.

My suggestion

Make enchanting more interactive and add customization elements besides the random elements. I want to interact more with my gear than just clicking on ‘‘enchant’’. I want that sense of achievement and accomplishment. And, if those changes aren’t enough look at making white gear more available. As it is a frustration to a lot of players, especially enchanting atm.

Closing words

Thanks for reading, and please remember I love this game and all that I said here is with the best intentions so Wicked can become even better. Else I wouldn’t have been as active on the forum for almost 4 months now and make so many in depth posts on various topics. Their potential usefulness is another matter haha :sweat_smile:

But devs, please keep making this game the best game you possible can and don’t give up on your vision Thomas. Your vision is what got me hyped for this game and made me invest a lot of my time here on the forums.

Keep up all the good work devs :+1: