I am slayer of the fear and slayer of the horse back crabs. I am thoroughly enjoying ur early access I just picked it up yesterday. I have some suggestions and some feedback to help out. Firstly a nice quality of life feature would be to have a camera to move around I am using PC with a duel sense controller the right joystick would be great to move around and get a better view would make a great QOL improvement ! SECONDLY wart needs a celebration of life, perhaps a statue somewhere in his memory his passing brought tears to my eyes, he was not a warrior yet gave his life for his fellow shipmates who cruelly gave him the name wart, he is a hero in my eyes and I did not even find out his real name its so sad and cruel.
The camera rotation is not possible i think, since the maps are hand made in a way that if you could rotate the devs would need to make the map from all sides. Think Baldurs Gate one and two hand made maps, isometric view, no rotation.
As for Wart he knew what he was getting into, those guys were pirates afterall, thats what you get when you dont go to school and learn a good trade, he would be still alive as a carpenter hehehe.