First of all: the game is great! looks and plays just awesome. I haven’t had some much fun with a new game in quite some time.
Nevertheless I have some suggestions for the future:
inventory management: please give us an endless chest at checkpoints and more (or even better unlimited) space on the run.
I actually like that you find so much stuff. For example in dark souls it’s great. But if you find lots and lots of loot, but aren’t able to carry it, it’s just frustrating. I started fishing, chopping wood and looting everything in the starting area just to throw the whole stuff away 15 minutes later, because the inventory was full. Lots and lots more space or waaaaaay less loot to find.
unlimited chest should be able to auto sort the items
Often enemies outside the screen already see you before you can see them and they hit you out of the blue. Could you make something like a glow or something else to show the player where the next enemy is?
maybe a possibility to zoom the camera in and out a bit.
Sometimes there where parts of the foreground blocking my view which I guess should have become invisible by walking behind them.
parry: please make it better readable when an enemy is about to hit. it’s not good to see yet. This could go by making it clearer in the animation or maybe something like a audio or visual clue? maybe it might also help to make the time frame to parry a little longer?
It has to show if it’s a huge problem: but it’s annoying that all healing items are consumables. I would like to have something that refills by death or rest. I’m not a fan of heaving to farm and cook. It just feels like wasted time. You could grind all the healing you want, so there is no point in forcing the player to do so in the first place. It just feels like my time as player is not respected.
Maybe just make something like a base healing item, that is capable of 5 heals and than resets by death. The rest goes over consumables.
Overall the map is great, looks nice, has the ability to set markers, clear… but what I don’t like is that parts you visited, but kind of rested are getting so much darker than the rest. It’s cool, that you give the players clues where to look again for loot and XP, but the execution to dark.
also the map could be a bit more detailed, like more “hand drawn” elements (landmarks and stuff).
Make it possible to repair items at the checkpoints. The player always has enough money to repair the equipment. So there is actually no need (just annoying) to always have ro go back.
Thank you for your time