Gameplay feedback and suggestions

This game is AWESOME!
I loved almost every aspect of the game. One can see that the devs are really putting their souls into the game, since the quality of details is notable.
The artstyle is unique: cartoon-like, kind of caricaturistic but still maintaining some level of brutality.
The narrative seems simple ate first glance, but deepens along the game. It makes one curious about the lore and what is really going on with the world. I will love to anderstand more about the Cerim etc.
And the dubbing? OMFG. The voice acting is oustanding! Really. Great work!
The combat is delightful. It’s tough and frustrating at the beginning, but really rewarding once you understand the mechanics and get more skilled. One can feel the impact of the hits and the magic.
Even though I like the random loot, I didn’t like very much the total randomness of the enchanting system. Feels like the player needs to farm for too long to get a really good enchantment.

So, here are some suggestions for gameplay improvement (my opinion):

  • Teleport freely between whispers. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be a feature, since the is a bounty mechanic that encourages the player to go back and forth throught the different areas. With a bigger map and more areas in the full release, it’ll be just anoying to go back and forth on foot. Maybe there should be ONE MAIN teleport for each area, from wich one could teleport freely
  • Increase max level. Yes, MORE POWER! MWAHAHAHA
  • maybe add more bonuses to ichor flasks other than just inventory space upgrade. Maybe 1 stat point for 3 or 5 flasks?
  • Add focus cost on rune description
  • Add weapon class (spear, axe, sword etc) on blueprint description
  • Stay out of sight while crouching in bushes (stealth gameplay)
  • Move camera further away with right stick for stealth purposes
  • Reduce de frequency of Fillmore’s random dialogue when the player is near him

All that said, I congratulate and thank the whole team for creating this masterpiece. I really look forward to play and enjoy the full game!


IMO very good feedback, agree with everything from praise to suggestions.
I think the next update will address many of the things, but nothing is confirmed yet

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