What I really like:
- The combat system is awesome at its core: animations, implementation of parry (any attack can be parried and it is rewarding), rune system is cool, and I like the overloaded character can be pushed away (it is the first game which such combat system where I like to be overloaded)
- Graphics and overall visual style
- Level design.
- Cinematics and cutscenes
What I would like to add/change:
- Craft (and high-level upgrades) cost reduction. It is good that in the game we can craft weapons and armor but very often it is too expensive, and for 70+ hours with different characters I crafted just a few times weapons, and no armor because of cost, please make craft cheaper. Also, would be great to have have ability to get blueprints from found weapons and armor to craft them in the future. Adding the ability to craft runes and gems also would be great.
- Enchantments. Generally, gems and runes systems are ok, but I missed the feature to remove them from items, without destroying item. Also, I would like to have the ability to reroll buffs and debuffs on items, I love how similar mechanics are implemented in Nioh: I can reroll almost any stat on a weapon and create any weapon (even with rare quality). Also, I would like to have a persistent amount of rune/gems slots after enchantment, I love to have ability to use different skills during the battle and fluently update combat tactics depending on faced enemy.
- The Balance of weapons and built-in runes can be improved. Some weapons, their movsets and runes feels weak and I would like to see buffs for them in the future.
- UI in some places missing important information, for example in gems descriptions missing what properties will be added with them to weapons, armor pieces, some consumable descriptions do not show amount of damage buffs, bombs descriptions do not show their damage, missing information what be crafted with known recipe for particular resource, runes details in weapons cant be examined from inventory, some buffs or debuffs on items do not display numbers (not described how much gold can be earned from hit, what chance of it, not described how many exp or gold will be loose on death, how many HP will be restored on successful parry e.t.c)
- Vendors are losing some assortments after upgrading their buildings. I would like to see an increase amount of items to buy, not losing them after upgrades.
- Rebalance Boss of the crucible. For now, he is too tanky and deals too much damage for me. Im not sure should I get 30+ levels to ability beat him, but for characters around 20+ lvl he feels too hard.
- Add new runes “types” variants. Almost all runes are focused on damage dealing, I would like to see more runes that give the ability to get more buffs, regenerations, protections, controlling enemies, and stealth, I would like to see such “magic domains” like light/holy, nature, summoning, curses/necromancy, blood magic, shape-shifting, space-time manipulations, traps e.t.c.
- Some characteristics (str, dex, int, faith) give nothing except the ability to use some weapons and increase damage for them. I would love to see more passive effects for them or merge them into a single one “attack power” and do not restrict players to use any weapons they want. For example, I did not find what difference between shield with int requirements with faith or str requirements, why does this separation exist? Faith is feeling abandoned compared to str, dex, int which weapons can be more easily crafted, and for which exists vendor in the city, please add a vendor for with faith-related items (or add such items to existing vendors).
- Add to shields some built-in passive bonuses on block and parrying, also would be great to add some skills/runes to shields.
- Restrictions to inventory size for now looking like artificial increasing time of gameplay and feel redundant for now, I would like to see some more buffs to character (increase stats, regeneration, permanent skills e.t.c) that can be achieved from Blood consumption, but inventory restriction feeling a bit annoying for now.
- Rebalance some debuffs from “cursed” equipment. Sometimes they are too punishing and way stronger than the overall weapon buffs, so I would like to see a rebalance of such debuffs, and make them less strong. For example, some of them can destroy builds or game progress: reducing max HP can destroy tank builds, reducing concentration on hit can destroy skill-based builds, and reducing gold/exp on death can destroy progress for last hour or hours.
- Add skill tree. I would like to see some kind of passive/active skill trees something similar to Constellation from Grim Dawn, POE passive skill tree, D4 paragon board to make build creation more interesting.
- Add More weapons and weapons types. I would like to see fists, claws, battle staves, double axes, double maces, double sabers, two-handed bows, crossbows, offhand crossbows, throwable weapons, more katanas, firearms, offhand firearms, hand cannons, arquebuses, whips.
- Some high-level vendors have closed doors. Please make the doors open so as to not see a black loading screen while entering and make the entrances to them more visible from street.
- Add the ability to push, throw, knockdown, and stun enemies.
Overall I love “No Rest for the Wicked”, I believe it is a great game, and I think you doing a great job! Many thanks and I wish luck and success to you.