Game won't start

you Mooned me again!

i played the game on 25th just fine. today my game crashed after the intro cutscene, 3 times. reinstalled the game, now it won’t even start. updated all drivers. got the newest PC.

before this you had a black Amber screen for some while, now this

I assume you also checked for latest drivers, and did the whole steam verify integrity of game files routine?

i am sure it helps the team when you can get them your logfiles.
you can find how to get them here: How to Properly Report Bugs!

hey can you please add the datastore folder to this as mentioned in the How to Properly Report Bugs!

I assume it is still installing. will give it some more time.

it doesn’t look like it is still installing, it looks like it is ready to play

i mean the data store folder that was requested here

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i see it in the folder now thanks

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can you guys help me please? i’ve been waiting so long for this update

we are investigating the issue. thank you

we have identified the problem. And will be including the fix in a future patch. Thank you for your patience

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the hotfix 2 didn’t solve the problem. the game now crashes in the main menu.

can you please provide the crashlogs from the new build thank you.

i updated the logs No Rest FTW - Google Drive

thank you for the info, I have sent along the logs.

hello there? when i’ll be able to play the game?

Hello we have folks investigating your crashlogs, it seems like they are of a previous build version and not from the most recent update. If possible can you send me the new crashlogs.

might help to sort by date modified at the top of the explorer, so you know you are grabbing the most recent ones.

thank you!

these are from the recent update. have you waited 2 weeks to tell me that they’re not from the current update? i paid for your game to play in early access, not to wait until the release. please ask someone competent to handle this problem, since you’ve clearly haven’t done anything about it

Hey @ForTheWicked, we’re sorry for the delay. Unfortunately there are other tickets we are tackling at the same time.

We have a dev currently looking into this at the moment and needs fresh crash dumps and player log from the last patch to be able to continue investigating, so we can include a potential fix in the next hotfix patch. If you can please provide those, that would be great!