Game won't start

Thank you for the updated link.

The Crashlogs, are all from dates in June, in the report folder in the new link you just sent. If we could get updated crash reports from the current patch of the game, this would help us to identify the problem.

we are looking for the crash log information mentioned on step 4 here:

4. If you experience crashes, grab the files that are located here:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\backtrace\crashpad\reports

this post is one month old. i’ve been uploading those files several times now. how could there be current crashlogs if the GAME WON’T START, it’s in the title

i removed your insult. please do NOT insult people! i understand your frustration but that is no reason for personal attacks!

Also in another thread someone posted, that a clean install of the graphics driver solved their issue with not being able to start the game. maybe try that?

i was not insulting anyone, merely stating a fact.
who are you? i don’t see a badge on your profile. i need a professional from the team to handle this ticket, not educated guesses like “could you try turn it off and on again?” - which i said i tried btw in the very beginning… a whole month ago now

I am just a Moderator here. but i do not know why that should matter? And i did not suggest turning it off and on again, i referred to someone with a similar issue and a solution that helped. So instead of continuing to be hostile towards people trying to help, why not put your energy in trying if something that was suggested helped?

plus you did in fact insult Caiden. And calling your insult a Fact is basically another insult.

because if you would read the post, you would see that i wrote in the very beginning that i updated all the drivers.

can i tell you something, just a moderator, this caiden asking me for crashlogs when the game won’t start for a whole month - is an insult to me, a customer who bought your game and spent 140hrs playing and would’ve played even more if there were competent support on this site.

i already requested boulton be removed from this task, kuro replied. then i see boulton again copy-pasting the same text from the script

well updating drivers and a clean driver install is not the same thing. i really do not know whats so offending about trying a clean install of the driver, but ok.


22 days ago u posted that the game crashed in the Main menu after installing hotfix 2. that might have been why more current logfiles were requested again. 22 days ago in my calendar is more current than June 29th.

in any case. i basically just tried to defuse the situation, as insulting people is never productive and also against the community guidelines.

@ForTheWicked The game is in fact crashing in the main menu, as per the last information I have received, and so fresh crashlogs from this build would tell us the problem. The latest update came out on August 1st and so I would need logs that are from after that date, as we have updated the games engine and old logs will no longer give the same information.

If you would like the issue investigated, please provide the Crash log from the current build. Thank you.

If you experience crashes, grab the files that are located here:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\backtrace\crashpad\reports