Finley, refresh his inventory once per week, but keep him spawned

Few points:

  • NEVER do something forcing players in a single player game to potentially shuffle their RL schedule to match some silly game’s NPC; in this case one available few hours per week
  • bad ideas instantly lead to people trying to workaround it outside the game with manual clock adjustments, potentially damaging their saves depending on how the game handles real time jumping forwards or backwards
  • IF for some reason you desperately want him to disappear for a bit, spawn him for a whole day 2-3 times a week, with non-refreshed inventory.

We already have one NPC trader refreshing inventory on a daily cycle (junk seller in the market, whatever his name). Make Finley they same, on a weekly cycle.

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I was actually just thinking about how he could be better,

Maybe even make him stay two days but change the loot for the second day,

I just ran like four realms as a work around and just log into them all,
But not a great experience to do that…

Maybe have him sell embers aswell in a bigger quantity, well more than one at least.

There are several posts about this. see here: