Vendor inventory refresh and Finley spawn

Finley and his Saturday spawn times or him not spawning at all have been adressed/mentioned here multiple times, also the “change PC time exploit” to refresh vendor inventories, but i haven’t found a topic with a concrete suggestion on how to fix it. (feel free to close this and link it somewhere, where it has already been suggested)

So here is my idea:
Why not limit finley to an ingame timer rather than a real time timezone. for example make him spawn once 7 ingame days have passed, not real days, and make him stay for a whole ingame day and night. this would also resolve the PC time exploit. could be used for all vendors to refresh their inv.

Or to balance him and make him more rare change it to XY ingame days or whatever. I just feel the real time restriction is really bad for some people, who basically will never see him due to work/shifts and other real life reasons. Games should inclusive, nut require you to set an alarm clock and log in just to find finley not spawning anyways or just having junk items.

Yes, however 7 ingame days feel still quite a lot. I was actually a little underwhelmed from his stock… Imho, it would be ok if there was no (the same as for others) special timing issue at all.

Much easier to stack items from the smith and enchant them to get something useful.

Or… massively improve his stock… but that would reduce the value of boss drops.

If anything with a timer… why not sending him on a mission… something like. Get me some gloves with health regen. and after 1-7 ingame days he comes back with 3-5 items to choose 1 from.


If anything with a timer… why not sending him on a mission… something like. Get me some gloves with health regen. and after 1-7 ingame days he comes back with 3-5 items to choose 1 from.

I really love this idea. Reminds me of Dark Souls 3 and the Thieve u rescue there.

it could also cost something to send him away. Like he only goes if you give him XY Silver. After all he probably takes risks and u might not buy anything when he comes back.

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Yeah his stock is crap sometimes, i dont know whats the deal with him, i dont mind the whole saturday only vendor, but i would like to know from the devs if Finley is tied somehow to us.
He says he travels the realms, he also mentions he loots corpses, maybe thats why he only shows up on saturdays, his inventory must be a pool of our collective inventory, of all players on that week, who died.
Just me guessing of course hehehe.

well if i was him and would loot dead players, i would only loot the “good shit”. It is a lot of work, and probably dangerous too.

I really feel there should be something done about the PC time change exploit. and this would fix that for all vendors and improve finley.

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My preferred fix for this is how Ubisoft does it: just have the actual inentory refresh once a week, rather than having the guy only show up once a week.