Echo Knight and the Crucible

Devs don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Put a whisper outside the arena so if you die you can spawn right back. If you beat him, you reset and have to run the gauntlet again from the beginning.

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I totally agree with this post. The Echo Knight is like Dialed up 20 times harder than anything you face prior to it. Having a Cerim Whisper once you reach this point to go back to town and repair would be good. I have been trying the knight for a good bit now. While I can easily get to him, I have even gotten him to half health. I feel like at that point you have to have all the perfect enchants, all upgraded gear max, etc. for you to be successful. At least give us check point before the boss so we do not have to use Fallen Embers over and over again to attempt the end boss of any crucible for that matter. I agree that it would then make things more enjoyable. It would also make sense as this would be in line with all other boss fights before this point. I even have 93 hours played thus far and decent set up.

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I agree too. Put a whisper in front of the gate. I think the devs have a different idea though. They want it to a be rouge-like. Which means torturing us for our failure. I wish they reconsider though. It’s down-right annoying and largely the reason I have stopped playing for the time being.


Rogue lite is fun. However, to have to go through a whole run again to practice boss mechanics in this game, especially for Echo Knight, is rough. While the level could be a rogue lite of some sort, I do not see why implementation of a check point for the boss would not still be a viable option. That way at least if one makes it to the boss you have a chance to finish the run with the one Ember used. I think this would also provide incentive for people to not give up and quit the game due to frustration, and add to the replayability. I have played a ton of rogue lites, but, none of them make a player farm for components to keep attempting a level. Secondly, they all end up having a player pretty geared later on by the time the boss is reached with attempt over attempt. So far the gear found in the crucible (and most other portions of the game except for bosses - if you get a legendary) drop wise is meh. You then are forced into RNG god wishing in hopes of something decent from enchanting to make anything worth while. Which is also meh. I love this game truly. But, these areas need work to become much better to help players want to continue to the grind.

I only have 4 attempts but this approach is annoying in the long run. I have level 29 so I have no problem clearing all 7 levels but in turn it takes too long and this route discourages new attempts.
Not everyone has that much time to play. I love this game but I have max 1h per day to play and for the last 3 days I have been wasting it on going through all the levels again to fight 30s with boss and turn off the game annoyed after a defeat.

Yep, it’s definitely a slog. I’ve beaten him once and come frustratingly close a handful of times.

I get that the devs want to keep it tough, especially given the game’s current state. What if they were to add a chest at the end of your final room that has a small chance of dropping a special ember that took you right to him?

On a related note, i think it would be cool if the final version of the crucible added rare rooms to the rotation.

I have since been beating the Echo Knight regularly. However, what I said before about the Whisper before him holds still. I also think the rewards for beating the Echo Knight should be more and greatly improved. I had to get a lot of really good rolls on gear/enchants and upgrade a lot to be able to get to the point to where I regularly beat the Echo Knight (there are still times I die). However, I can see from people getting to him for the first few times and going through the crucible, it is very rough.

the crucible is not finished yet. as far as i know, there are more features planned, like for example picking up perks at or after each floor that buff you. Just like in roguelike games. So it will get more exciting and also easier i assume.

There are about 6 flames around the entrances right… I would like some compromise where you have 6 “retries” through the whole crucible (each one however costing one fallen ember again) where you can restart on the level you died… If it is a “normal” room, you still need to do the full 7 rooms again to get to the boss. If it is the boss room, you re-start there, until your flames are gone.

That would still require you to do the normal rooms in one run, but you would have a few tries for the boss until you have to start over again.

those altars are probably for more curicibles with different floors and bosses.

Where you display that is not important… what about the concept?

i honestly dislike each form of checkpoint, because it invalidates the whole roguelike concept.

when you play hades, dead cells, binding of isaac etc. you also do not get checkpoints.

I think it will all get better once we get the perk pickup after each floor and more crucibles.

It will also improve with higher tier gear, higher level cap etc.

valid opinion.

I just want to highlight that a permanent checkpoint and limited retries (like lifes) are something different.

The boss also has 2 lifes :wink: (stages)

true, but the same thing that goes for checkpoints goes for “lives”. And you would need a checkpoint to respawn.

I think, and said it in some other thread about this, that i do really like adding a rogue like dungeon as endgame content to an ARPG. It gives players the best of both worlds. And once you soften up the roguelike dungeon with respawns etc, its whole idea is kind of busted. Know what i mean? The whole point of that is that you only have your one chance and each run is different…

…(which it will be once the full mechanics are in play)

So one run you might get unlucky and get only perks that do not help your build, but other runs might be super OP because you get that juicy life steal perk 3 times.

So i would advice to wait until we get the perks, and more content in the main game, because that might already solve all problems we are discussing now.

yea, maybe this is the problem rn :wink: