Echo Knight and the Crucible

Just curious, how would you feel about it if most of those upgrade materials were now more common in the overworld? Like more wildlife spawns that actually have half-decent rates of dropping their parts?

I like @JPthePirate idea of mini-bosses, I was thinking of something similar last night. Where the crucible floors would effectively be a Dungeon similar to the ones in WoW. But then let the minibosses have similar abilities to the Echo Knight so players can learn some of the moves beforehand. Other moves should still be a surprise.

I would do it as follows without checkpoints:

  1. Echo Knight Pack A
  2. Mini-Boss: Tiberius the Tormented
  3. Echo Knight Pack B
  4. Mini-Boss: Celestine the Courageous Cavalier
  5. Echo Knight Pack C
  6. Mini-Boss: Steve
  7. Final Boss: The Echo Knight

Example movesets:

Tiberius the Tormented

  • Similar Plague Bolt as the Echo Knight
  • Similar Lunge as the Echo Knight
  • Unique Move 1
  • Unique Move 2

Celestine the Courageous Cavalier

Also mounted

  • Similar Charge to the Echo Knight
  • Similar Lance Attack to the Echo Knight
  • Unique Move 1
  • Unique Move 2

No need to do Steve as I think the idea is clear.

The benefit of this is that we are not going completely blind into the boss fight but still have quite a few abilities to learn. It gives us some practice leading up to the boss fight rather than mindlessly killing trashpacks and being careful around ledges. It also gives more identity the what we are doing. Maybe they were his apprentice knights and have to give their stamp of approval to you before earning the right to challenge the Echo Knight.


I like this! Another idea this gave me is the possibility to fight Echo Knight early on, but they retreat further back into the crucible. So it would be something like:

  • 1-2 Normal rooms
  • Fight miniboss
  • 1-2 Normal rooms
  • Fight Echo Knight to 50% phase 1
  • 1-2 normal rooms
  • Fight miniboss
  • Full Echo Knight fight (maybe heal up to 75% for P1?)

I just feel like the rooms leading up to the actual fight feel so disconnected to each other. In the lore it is states that it is a training ground.

I would prefer the mobs, areas to match the theme of the boss more. I want it to feel like an actual dungeon and not 6 random rooms with random mobs that don’t match the boss in design. The echo knight and echo long boi are fine, so are some rooms.

And finally some way of learning the moves of the boss before the fight, mini-bosses, notes left behind from previous challengers. Just something. I feel like this will alleviate some frustration from players.

Being able to farm the crucible rooms is fine, alot of exp and silver from doing that, but I would have to agree that when you reach the boss the first time something changes. There could be another option when offering a Fallen Ember, by offereing 2(+) fallen embers you get to start right outside the boss room for example, a best of both words; farm mobs (1 ember) or the boss (2+ ember).

I don’t know if you guys played Legend of Zelda BOTW, there is a trial called sth like “master sword trial”, where you lose all your gear immediately and start from scratch once you enter the mode. So you need to use gear you pick up along the way to fight and also recover health. It is more like a challenge instead of some sort of dungeon to grind.

I somewhat think this could be a good way to make crucible more playable.

Thats a neat idea! Provided that they remove requirements from gear so that you can actually use stuff you pick up.

This game balance is all over the place, rest of the game is trivia at that point including rooms before, but can’t beat the Crucible Boss even with broken, life on hit rings , if I dont doge charger Im dead from 100% there is almos no window to attac him, he is spamig abilities no stop and every hit take 1/3 and I have 700 armor.

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Make the Crucible 9 rooms in total. Room 3 and 6 mini bosses, room 9 Echo Knight.
For each mini boss you defeat you get a revive chance. You die before defeating the first mini boss you are done, start over. But if you reach the boss without any death you have 2 revive chances so you can go at him 2 more times.

The only fun part about crucible is the boss, and he’s the part of it players spend the least time on because they can only try him once.

As it stands, actually learning his patterns and timings isn’t really an option over just… cheesing him with excessive life on hit and other nonsense.

Add a checkpoint so players can actually have some fun, yeah?


As a player who hasn’t beaten echo knight yet (no rune spamming) , I agree that it’s hard to really learn the fight due to running all the stages. But I would say a permanent whistle is maybe too much. What you guys think on alimited whistle, so you have for example 3 tries and after that you get kicked out. So it’s not ultra punishing, persons like myself can learn and understand the fight better and have 2 more tries before beeing thrown out of the arena.

I really, really hope that doesn’t happen to the crucible. I’m so tired of every game needing to be a roguelike, and I was very excited to see that No Rest for the Wicked wasn’t going to be one. Just let me make my own builds, and don’t make my character’s power be temporary.


It would only be in the crucible though? They want it to be an endgame minigame to test player skill.

And I would much rather have the existing version of the crucible, where I can take my own build in and look to find meaningful and permanent upgrades.

We’ll have to wait and see what their vision is. I’d like the roguelike version better. I’m sure we’ll have open world stuff to test our build with.

Of could be they’ll have a mix of both.

Totally agree especilly because there are times (many) that i’ve died for some stupid shxt.:

  • falling down a pit because the roll didn’t go as planned
  • getting stuck in some way to enemies and cant get away even rolling
  • ecc…
    and these are not deaths that i did because i cant handle the dungeons to the echo night, most are deaths that happen because in trying to rush down you do stupid mistakes.

Exactly, once you are used to the rooms, they no longer pose a challenge, and because it take so long to reach the boss you are just trying to rush them to get to the echo knight that lead to stupid mistakes and even more time lost trying to reach the echo knight.

Yes, I have this problem, too. I do not want to go all rooms to get one attempt and he kills me after 30 sekonds. It is not fun

This makes alot of sense. Would love to see more themed crusible dungeons and also a way to actually interact with boss mechanics before the end to warm up to end bosses.

Yes, please add some kind of shortcut to the Echo Knight or reduce the amount of floors you have to go through once you’ve reached him. I want to spend my time learning the boss, not spending 10-15 minutes each run clearing rooms that are trivially easy (at the point I’m at).