Crucial Crucible feedback

The Echo Knight is an AMAZING fight, but having to fight all the way though the crucible just to get ONE attempt feels TERRIBLE. (And please don’t comment until you actually beat him.)

He is 1000x harder than the actually crucible arenas you have to do to get to him, so eventually fighting all those mobs becomes an absolute chore, which is the real issue with the Crucible.

The boss at the end of the Crucible shouldn’t be insanely more challenging then the levels you need to do to get to it. So either the mobs needs to be buffed (which I don’t recommend), the boss needs to be nerfed (which I don’t recommend), or after we get to the boss and die, using an ember to open back up that statue should just take us straight to the boss (or we can use an ember to reset that instance.)

I really REALLY want to like the Crucible, I do, but this flaw pretty much puts the death nail in it for me.

All in all this game is AMAZING, and I am ITCHING for more content. I really wish I could casually do some more Crucible runs, but it looks like I’ll have to consider the game finished for now until the next update.


I mostly agree but I also see the problem of having instant access to the boss because of legendary drops.

Maybe every run can gives us 2 chances at the boss instead of one. Or something like I suggested here: Cerim Crucible Change

Still, I think having instant access after some amount of tries still would be better than its current state.

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Maybe instant access until you kill him, so you can easily keep trying him but not easily farm him

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There should be a much larger attempt limit until you beat him, have it tied into the story. Kill him hand in quest, then larger limit is depleted.

However i still think the Crucible needs more than 1 life = reset.

The levels and mobs are so simple and only serve to timegate the Crucible.
I die more to fall damage as im just trying to get through it super quick 2 shotting mobs and never not sprinting.

Getting to the EK and the not killing on some runs because camera angle, falling off , lock on taking you away and facing away from boss is so frustrating.

further updates, full release. the crucible needs to the additional braziiers in use.
Have some take you to a challenging boss
Have others just be a roguelite, level after level, climbing infinitley getting more difficult until you die


Make the crucible 9 rooms in total. Room 3 and 6 mini bosses, room 9 Echo Knight.
For each mini boss you defeat you get a revive chance. You die before defeating the first mini boss you are done, start over. But if you reach the boss without any death you have 2 revive chances so you can go at him 2 more times.