Cerim Exclusive Traits with Plague Ichor Upgrades

Roan: The ichor must flow through your veins. The scrolls say it gives strength to your kind.

Me: Yes I can feel the power within me! I can now hold 5 more resources :joy:

I think we should have something better than the current system.

My suggestion is as follows.

A passive trait system that allows for further customization of your roleplaying fantasies. NOT attribute restricted!

Here is how I would envision this to work.

You start with a roleplay idea let’s say a righteous paladin. I then spend some plague ichor to unlock feats that help me realize my fantasy class such as:

  • X% extra Heat damage

  • X% increased Healing efficiency

  • X% increased armor when wearing Plate armor

Or a swashbuckler:

  • X% increased attack speed with curved one-handed swords.

  • Dodging whilst having a light load costs X% less stamina.

  • X% chance that enemies drop additional gold on death.

Perhaps a Frost Witch

  • Deal X% increased frost damage.

  • When wielding a Staff, rune specials cost X% less focus.

  • When wearing cloth armor gain X% increased focus regeneration.

The idea here is to have generic list passive bonuses that players for themselves can select to further their ‘‘class’’ idea.

Edit: @Jack_N_Ryder pointed out that there should be a cap to the obtainable traits so the element of choice still matters.

We could then categorize traits and once you select one the others become unselectable. Furthermore, a cap of X total traits.

Example: Elemental Affinity

  • Deal X% extra Heat damage

  • Deal X% extra Cold damage

  • Deal X% extra Electric damage

  • Deal X% extra Plague damage

Once you select one the others become unselect able.

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While I 100% agree that the current reward for defeating a boss does not feel rewarding and it should be improved I alse want to mention that the system suggested by you has an issue: you will be able to unlock all of them because you can get unlimited plague ichor from what I saw.
So yes, please improve the rewards, but do not make it so that we could get all the possible bonuses, we should still be required to make a choice of what to get.

Maybe an ability to use a number of plague ichor to reroll an effect from an enchanted piece of gear?

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Oh, good catch on that. Maybe some traits can be grouped like elemental bonus damage or reduced stamina cost for dodging when wearing x armor type. And once you select one the others become locked.

And if that isn’t enough a cap on total traits, 10 or something.

I agree with the idea that ichor should have multiple uses since its farmable currently. Others have also suggested to use it as a means to respec which I think is a solid idea.

I almost think the current Ichor system is just a placeholder in early access and later will have actual traits as rewards. Meanwhile, expanding inventory will probably be done via crafting…

I think…

I hope…

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