Plague Ichor/Healing rework idees and some feedback

Finished everything after 35h including the Echo Knight and wanted to give some feedback and some ideas i had .

1 .Plague Ichor rework . At the moment ichor feels unrewarding , i think a better system would be if the first time we get ichor we could chose 1 BIG passive ability that defines our playstyle , some examples :
-every 60 second you do double damage
-each time you take fatal damage a shield protects you (180 sec cd)
-you can dodge through enemies
-you have focus regeneration at all time but your hp is halved

This BIG passive could be improved with Ichor over the course of the game by unlocking smaller passives that affect the general theme of the specific ability.

  1. Inventory Management. If where not gonna use the Ichor to upgrade the bags it would be cool if inventory upgrades would come from rare world drop example :
    -Kill enemies get materials to upgrade weapon and ring slots
    -Mine , cut trees , digging should get materials to upgrade resource bags
    -Collect food items ? Drop materials to expand food bags

  2. Healing rework . Being limited in the number of healing items you have feel bad and creates anxiety where it doesnt need to be , added to the fact that healing is on a timer and feels forced and ‘‘gamey’’ . Healing like in Lies of P would be great here , especially the mechanic where you attack enemies to get charges back .

  3. Durability is fine after the patches even tho items should never be deleted if they reach 0 durability , still not a big fan of it . It would be cool if you pick some rare items and those drooped on death (like in Escape from Tarkov) and had to go after the enemies that killed us to get them back.

  4. Story. The story and cutscenes so far are S+ tier which makes me nervous because the last time i saw quality this good on a story was Game of Thrones , and i hope this doesnt end up being cut short and with an ending that makes no sense like that.

  5. Combat. The combat is S+ tier , nothing bad to say here except some balancing and hitboxes but those will get fixed in time.

  6. Gear/Items . Rare items that change gear in a massive way , maybe a way to remove the negatives on plagued items , on rare items maybe a way to unlock all gem slots or to fill all afixes if missing . And Unique armor pieces .

Thats about all i can think of , overall i think the core game is excellent even tho it has some rough edges that will get fixed in time and hopefully this games becomes a classic like the two Ori games.