A Variety of Ideas

I hope this finds everyone in good spirits!

To begin, I have played close to 30 hours, completely upgraded Sacrament and attempted the Crucible and am still enjoying the game. I really like your art style (except the gorilla arms), visuals, sound, exploration, and verticality.

#1: Allow the Cerim to start with all inventory and tools slots. Ichor should be to upgrade weapon and ring slots.

#2: You present the main character (the Cerim) as something special; however, you don’t actually start with anything that seemingly makes them special (other than the players ability). To address this perhaps give the Cerim the ability to “summon/call/create” a particular (very basic, no rune slots etc.) weapon at the start of the game.
This could and potentially should work itself into a skill tree which would be “upgraded” by the Ichor. As this game presents itself as an ARPG there should be at least some sort of skill tree. This Skill Tree could easily be upgraded by Ichor as that fits the narrative directly. Making this tree broad spectrum would allow for actual upgrades tied directly to the character (not their weapon), but still fit into the individual players character fantasy. This could also address your design goal of allowing freedom of play and build diversity but still enhancing the fantasy feel of the game.

#3: Have a set of healing potions that refresh upon resting (reaching a whisper/entering town), death, or regenerate after time (like your areas/grey fog or with kills).

#4: Food should be buffs that are used out of combat and last 15 or 30 minutes in game. Only one maybe two buffs are stackable at a time. Like a main course and a dessert. For instance, one boosts health and the other Stamina. I can’t envision my character munching on a steak in the middle of a battle.

To finish, I wholeheartedly support the need for Key remapping.

Happy to discuss anything or provide clarifications for ideas.


I totally agree with you that it would make sense to give the Cerim some kind of ability that makes that particular race special.

I honestly think these are good ideas, although the set of healing potions I would not implement. I think i much rather have healing items/food to be limited and therefore precious. Also makes it so you’re more careful when doing combat. That said, longer buffs for meals would be awesome.

check out my own suggestions if you’ve got time for a bit of a robust read. Week 1 Feedback & Suggestions!

I like this idea it would be much better instead of using ichor for loot space in my opinion I would instead give a nice amount of starting space and if needed more there will be option for crafting a backpack for extra space, but it will have weight so ppl will need to choose between weight and loot

this idea reminds me kind of like path of exile that you have potions that fill up when you kill enemies etc in my opinion it won’t fit good for this game and no need to because you have so many options for heal up your character like runes and some enchantments and rings that can give vampirism.
and it pretty easy to stack up food especially at endgame right now I got so much food that I don’t know what to do with xd

i’d love a skill tree ofcourse. i don’t know how much gameplay variety they can put into affixes which they seem to be all in on.

regarding the healing and food design. yea i think i’d prefer that concept but i doubt they would stray from their original vision which is also supported by a majority of the player base. that would also greatly increase the value of food and therefore quantity would have to be nerfed by a lot.

A few thoughts across your various points.

#1: I agree that the inventory slots shouldn’t be tied to ichor, but I don’t think giving them all out for free from the start would work for me. Instead, I would have them as auto-unlocks that you can choose as you level up. Ex: At every third level you get to choose a free inventory slot to unlock, the same way you do now; but it is a freebie that comes with your stat points at level-up. I think this would apply an additional feeling of progression without making it feel like such a handicap to the player.

#2-3: I agree with these sentiments, but I think it is the Cerim’s connection to the whispers that may be what sets them apart; but that feels a bit hand-wavey to say so I may need to rethink that line logic. Regarding the healing potions, I would have them unlock at the first Ichor use at the rookery. Give the player three charges that refresh on dying or sleeping at a home for a few hours. The only reason I wouldn’t have them refresh on resting at a whisper is because enemies don’t respawn that way, as they do in other souls-likes. I’d give three charges, with the option to increase the count by one or two with ichor allocation.

#4: I think the food should be left as the primary healing source, but I would add buffs to it as well, maybe for 3-15min times given how often they are used. With the “potions” from point #3, being added in, I don’t want to make the food system less useful, so this system working in combination with the “potions” would feel like a good middle-ground to me. However, that food system that YOU are suggesting, does sound like a good idea, but I would tie that in with the progression of the Inn or Kitchen building renovations.

keeping the food but also having refill flasks would kinda make the flasks pointless at a certain point in the game and only be helpful in early game. i am sitting on so much food rn, i have to store it at home.

Lol, food overflow must be nice. I enjoy the game, but I can never keep enough food on hand to deal with the enemy damage output.

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Tbf i peeked into crucible and fked off and am now farming relatively easy mobs for my power level to become stronger and find better gear so naturally i will stock consumables.