I somehow managed to spiral into a very bad situation, where all the game’s systems started working against me. Now, I have to be honest and admit that when I decided to change my weapon for daggers I was so determined that I sold all my weapons, including my main weapon. Also I ended up not being able to use my freshly upgraded dual daggers. Its hard to admit such a bad decision, but here I am.
Now I need to get two levels while using a starter weapon, fighting against freshly scaled enemies in the starter zone. I have now spent 5 hours working towards this goal, and during this time my money, food, and other resources have suffered - and so have I! So I have a few suggestions
These suggestions are in order of importance:
- Resetting stat points: this would dissuade the uneasy feelings towards investing in a playstyle players may come to regret.
- Food: while I thoroughly enjoy the food system as is, I would add an action that could heal some small portion of you health. This action would be inferior to most foods, but still would serve as a fallback strategy more preferable than using the food ingredients.
- Durability: instead of disabling an item, I would suggest that low durability instead reduced the effectiveness of an item.
Thank you so much for your beautiful game.