Hello, I have not seen this suggested on the forum. I am a person with a disability. I have use of one hand. I still can use my PlayStation 5 controller. I would like to suggest toggle options for block and the rune use. For instance, when I press block once, I continue to block until I press the button again. Another thing I would love to see is when you go to use the rune ability, have the button to pull up the rune options for the offhand/main hand toggleable. That way I can press that once to open that up, select which rune I want, and then close that menu. Having to hold that button then press again makes it difficult.
The same thing for the use of staffs and bows please. One press to toggle the ability until I press a choice and then it goes back to the normal area. Having to hold one button while I press another is difficult. However, I am sure I am not alone with this being a good QOL improvement.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I think accessibility options are not given near as much attention as they should in video games. Playing games now for 37 years and it is far and few in between when I see a game that went far in terms of trying to have accessibility addressed in control aspects of the game for options available. I hope that this one will get more love in this area.
As for the voting option, not sure what that is about. If the devs choose to add accessibility options in the areas of controls of the game (combat especially) that would be awesome. If someone does not want to use that option, then do not use it. Does not make sense to have to vote on something to make more inclusive options for people with disabilities to better be able to play a game.
Wow! Thank you so much for this! I have 137 hours in so far. I look forward to seeing some/if not all of these toggle options implemented in the future that I mentioned (hopefully). I truly appreciate your time/consideration and the other developers.
I’m still in the hull of the ship, and going to give up for now. I can’t do that short jump over the flames in the training section. It requires 2 hands, and 3 actions performed at the same time . For me, it’s now clear that the ability to reassign the runes (and anything else requiring speedy action) to the numpad, (I note other players have asked to be able to reassign runes), and to assign WSAD to the footpad are necessary for me to move and fight. Maybe this will come with time, but now is not that time. I am disappointed, because the devs have put a slew of novel tweaks on characterisation and gameplay, and created a different take on the genre.