More visual accessibility

Firstly, I’ve been really enjoying this game so far and believe you guys have created something very special. It’s a very good game so far and I’d to see it become more accessible to give a better experience to those who may need it, like myself. I am visually impaired and some things in the game can be quite difficult to see and I often find myself straining my eyes to look for chests, NPC"s, plants, etc. So far, I’ve come up with the following additions to the game that would tremendously improve the game in accessibility.

  • complete HUD customization (size and placement on the screen)
  • option to outline or make objects that can be collected or interacted with glow (levers, materials and ingredients, NPC’s, etc)
  • more audio queues for enemy attacks and interact (the game already has great audio and audio queues, so I’m just reinforcing that)
  • the ability to zoom in my camera in and out with the mouse scroll wheel

Some other things I would love to see:

  • an item that’ll let me respec my character’s stats
  • an item that’ll let me customize my character again during any point of a playthrough

These are just some things I really hope to see implemented into the game in the future.

Thanks for creating an amazing game, and I look forward to seeing where this goes!

every game should/must be available for everyone. +vote