When is the 1.0 release?

Newbie here just purchase the game and I saw a lot of topics that it will be released on May 2? Since there will be a possible wiped of EA I just want to make sure when will that be.

Maybe in a year+. NOT tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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Where are you reading this cuz if someone said that they’re spreading misinformation, if EA was that short they would’ve just released the full game. EA is never a short endeavor it’s at least 2 years out just like Vrising, Hades, Baldurs Gate 3.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking at first but thanks for clarifying, I’ll just play this game out been seeing a lot of hype for this game.

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In fact, the producer of this game has been bragging on social media that his game will add certain things in the future. He has said a lot, but in fact he has not done anything that will benefit players. He may not be clear about this. Obviously, the behavior he showed made me not think that he had a very clear idea about this. He was always imagining and wanted to add everything, but he couldn’t do anything well. I’m surprised by how active he is on social media. He wastes time and energy on promoting his game instead of solving the known problems of the game (although it has been patched for several days, there are still many problems waiting for the game) Repair), this behavior will make players very upset. So if the producer is still like this, then I think this game will not be able to release an official version within the next one to two years.

What else should he do? Are you aware of planning, tasks and deadlines?
Everything that is needed is currently planned, the tasks are set. The deadlines did not come, or they did, but not for our eyes.
The fact that he communicates so well with the community is a plus. Apparently an interested person.

Wait for a major patch, they will add something there, then we will see if all these words were empty. But even so you can’t say “I would like to add namething” and this is not in the patch. Even this does not mean that all these were empty words.