NRFTW release date 1.0

This might be a silly question, but i was wandering if there is any idea on how much time will it pass for the 1.0 version. I am not expecting a release date but an approximate time. 2 months? six months? years?

Asking because i read that there are early access games that have been released in their final version years after the early access. Thank you if anyone decides to answer this foolish question.

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Truthfully, we don’t have an idea. Speculation is one year but we just don’t know.

I have 0 knowledge on the subject but judging from other games, I would say 1 year at minimum.

No one knows but at the rate which they put out hotfixes and the constant communication from the devs gives me good vibes allowing me to enjoy the process more than I normally would for a typical EA release.

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I would wage something over 5 years for 1.0

I don’t remember where I read it, but apparently they pretend to work on the game for over 10 years

The statement of 5-10 years is post-1.0.

They have been working on this game for what, 6 years now?

That I don’t know… but I found this:

and read what is written there?

We’ll release 1.0 and then done?

They said that they would work on the game for 5-10 years and not do any development until release. And maintain and develop for at least another 5 years.
Waiting for addons after release

We already have plans laid out for what happends after 1.0

I’d lean towards something similar to Baulder’s Gate 3 and say 2-4 years to get to 1.0 and then another 6 years with updates/dlc since this seems to be the studio’s dream game.

I’m just speculating but I think we’ll have a few acts in Sacrum before it gets torched/overrun, then move to another city/fort on the island. After 1.0 we’ll probably set sail to another location. Perhaps where the king is based.