We need Communication - Feedback can go both ways

Dear development team,

As users, we want to be more integrated with the development of the game. The feedback process is healthier if it goes both ways. I understand that you won’t be able to tell us about everything you do every day, that would just be unproductive and silly. But waiting for the next patch or update without timelines leaves us in the dark. It makes the development feel dead, especially when the updates are becoming slower (I still remember the first week and the incredible amount of fixes).

My suggestion is to give us an update once a week on the same day (it doesn’t have to be very detailed). By doing that we as users will feel connected to the development even if we won’t see an update that week. Nurture the community so we can help the development.

Thank you

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The 1st week was hotfix week though, and the slowing down of development is just normal for any game EA or not. They’ve been in the discord at least once a week with teases, Q&As, and updates that it’s not here is a fair point but that’s mostly due to the structure/lesser population of forums than them not using it.


I’m not on the discord myself but have heard so from other users.

Thomas is also very active on X, which I greatly appreciate.

I would like monthly devlogs with tidbits of information that they are willing to share. Weekly seems a bit much.

I also think it is unfair to compare updates to EA launch week. Different updates have different sizes/priorities.