Feedback - What Cannot Wait

This is my brutally honest feedback, it’s going to upset a few people (some players included).

The number one thing you guys HAVE to fix, and you honestly don’t have very much time to fix it, it the performance issues. You should not have released the game in this state (from a performance standpoint), because you’re just going to get your rating on Steam and everywhere else tanked, which just doesn’t feel right considering how great your game actually is.

There are people complaining about inventory, difficulty, time gates, repairing tools, etc… etc… But the honest truth is this is all completely subjective compared to the game not running at 60fps. If we can’t even just enjoy the game… then it’s hard to accept your design choices. The game running poorly is like a constant irritation that causes a headache, once the headache sets in… everything seems so much worse and unacceptable.

Now, I’m not saying that the other things are not potential problems, but I’m saying that poor performance is a serious bottom line. It’s unacceptable to have poor performance.

I personally would not have released the game like this, because you’re just going to get review bombed and that is not going to be easy to recover from. There are already people leaving you guys a thumbs down on Steam (for example) and saying that they will come back to see if performance improves in about a week from now, and if it has they will change their review to a thumbs up. This is so critical for the success of you game as a whole. If people can’t even play it, how can they experience what actually is really amazing about your game? Furthermore, these people claiming they will be back in a week to check in is more accurate than one might think. The game industry moves FAST. They’re not coming back every week just to check. You will lose a lot of players and potential new players due to a low score over something so fixable.

You guys don’t have very much time to fix this problem. It’s only about a week to get performance issues solved. Like I said, I don’t know why you launched into EA, it was like dropping a ball on your foot. The internet is going to chew you guys up for all kinds of reasons… performance issues CANNOT be one of them.

Please consider what I’m saying… I REALLY want you guys to be successful. This game is the perfect game, imo. It’s just gorgeous. Inventory, repairs, tools, endgame, etc… they can all wait. Let people experience your game at 60 fps FIRST.

Thanks for reading my post.
Clocks ticking! (sadly…)
Good luck!

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