I know yall want recordings, data, and I’m sure that’s helpful but I’m not going to provide that. I’m not a paid tester, just a player wanting the game to be better so I’m going to list various bugs below that I’ve experienced over my 60 hours.
• Performance with hotfix 4, I appreciate the constant hotfixes but the 4th one has made the game run worse for me. I’m getting to single digits during the crucible boss and that’s just insane to me. I was able to beat him in hotfix 3 but now I can’t. I have a $4,500 pc with a 4070ti, 32 gigs of ram, and other good hardware. You would think it would be able to get more than 6 fps. Witches have a similar impact on performance. It’s like the game can’t handle the special effects of fire.
• Lock on switching, I’m never hitting the stick by mistake. It’s just not happening. But the target will switch constantly to an enemy that doesn’t make any logical sense. I’ll be right against a guy that I was locked onto trying to stab him but I can’t hit back because every time I go to attack it switches to some enemy across the arena and yeets me off a cliff. I died 6 times in the crucible today alone from that.
• Incorrect input… I’ve never seen a video game do this. I don’t even understand how this can happen. But I’ll be applying buffs with L1+circle and then just sprint and jump off a cliff. Even if I wasn’t pressing L1, circle does not run or jump, X does. Or I’ll press down on the dpad to drink a potion and once again, run and jump. I don’t get it.
• Attacks hitting regardless of dodge state or distance. In particular the axe man shove or the ghost flame circle attack tend to do this. I can roll or blink several times across the arena and still take damage as if I was in the attack. This doesn’t always happen, but at least half the time it does.
• Blink doesn’t cause invulnerability. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended, but it defeats the point of a blink if while you’re invisible you still get hit. It goes super poorly against people charging at you, the physics send you flying off the map if you blink “through” a charge.
• “Replace bounty”, when trying to turn in a bounty it asks if you’re replacing it instead. So wrong prompt… Also there’s an exploit with this new version with the quest not being removed. You can respawn enemies. Like with the two gladiators on the beach, you can kill the one that drops icor, reset the quest, and kill him again, farming icor and exp.
• Instant crash, this isn’t the case for me but I bought the game for my brother who also has a very nice pc and he can’t even boot the game up. He’s tried dozens of times and it just crashes immediately. You probably need specs to do anything about it, sorry I don’t have them, but hopefully he can get in the game at some point. He’s getting close to the 2 hour mark without even getting to make a character so we might refund it before it’s too late.
That’s some of the major ones, I’m sure there’s others but I figured I’d shine some light on the few major ones. Overall I really, really, love this game. I’ve been putting in an unhealthy amount of hours because the core gameplay loop is just so good. But the performance and input issues need fixed asap. You can’t make a hardcore game where every move counts, and then take away control from the player. I know this is early access, but these days your first impressions matter.