I decided to collect every non-fixed bug I’ve encountered so far (few of which I’ve already reported) into a single post for a more convenient overview.
I marked the game version when I first encountered each bug. For the record, this does not mean it was not present before. That’s just when I discovered it.
Death on teleport bug
After using a Cerim Whisper to fast travel, I died during the black screen while the game was loading. I then respawned as normal.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 4) Death on teleport logs.zip - Google Drive
You can see the blood splatter on the ground where I died during the loading screen:
UPDATE: I encountered this bug again! I didn’t die this time, but took a LOT of damage and I was also plagued.
Logs: (HOTFIX 6) Plagued on teleport logs.zip - Google Drive
Bugged fireball cannon in Cerim Crucible dungeon
One of the cannons in this dungeon doesn’t shoot properly. The fireball collides with the cannon and explodes the moment its fired.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? YES
Bugged Rune selection
Using the item quick select menu with a keyboard and mouse bugs out the rune selection and allows the scroll wheel to change the selected Rune regardless of what menu you are in.I do not know if controller users are affected.
First encounter: HOTFIX 2
Still present in current version? YESLogs: (HOTFIX 2) Bugged rune selection logs.zip - Google Drive
I actually like being able to change my selected rune with the scroll wheel, but it shouldn’t be able to change while using the item quick select menu.
It screwed me over a couple times in combat when I changed my equipped food and it changed my selected rune as well without me noticing.
Floating frozen enemies
If you freeze an enemy while they are in the air (for example during a jump animation), the enemy will float in the air and will not land until the frozen effect wears off.First encounter: HOTFIX 5
Still present in current version? YESLogs: (HOTFIX 5) Floating frozen enemy logs.zip - Google Drive
Unable to move after defeating Darak in the Orban Glades
After defeating Darak and watching the cutscene where he runs away, I was stuck in place for somewhere between 10-30 seconds before I could move again.I unfortunately couldn’t grab a recording of it in time.
First encounter: HOTFIX 1
Still present in current version? UNSURE (I tried, but I’ve not been able to replicate it yet)Logs: (HOTFIX 1) Stuck after Darak fight logs.zip - Google Drive
Invisible Bounty boss (FIXED)
The current weekly Bounty boss that shows up in the Black Trench is completely invisible.First encounter: HOTFIX 5
Still present in current version? NO
Missing indoor dark backgrounds (FIXED)
The black background that’s supposed to show up indoors is gone in the current patch. This happens with every house and shop.First encounter: HOTFIX 5
Still present in current version? NOLogs: (FIXED) Missing indoor background logs.zip - Google Drive
Player icon shows wrong helmet (FIXED)
The player icon in the top left doesn’t show my currently equipped helmet until I equip another helmet, at which point it shows the helmet I had just unequipped.First encounter: HOTFIX 5
Still present in current version? NO
Bugged foliage physics(?) in Sacrament
A lot of the bushes and flowers in Sacrament glitch out, stutter and pop out of the ground? I don’t really know how to describe it, so just watch the video.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? YESLogs: (HOTFIX 4) Foliage bug logs.zip - Google Drive
UPDATE: This has been partially fixed in PATCH 1 (outside Caroline’s Inn), but it still persists in the other location showed in the video.
Fog flash in Echo Knight arena
I was standing in the entrance to the Echo Knight arena when this bug happened. I was AFK’ing there for a few minutes because I was dealing with something else unrelated to the game.Then I noticed that the fog suddenly got really bright. It wasn’t quite a flash, but it’s the best way I can describe it with how quickly it became so much brighter.
First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 4) Fog flash logs.zip - Google Drive
I couldn’t record it, but I managed to grab a screenshot of it:
Misaligned animation in Cerim Crucible
When offering a Fallen Ember, the animation might not line up with the altar depending on how the player is positioned when the animation is triggered.This could be fixed by making the character turn towards the altar after the player interacts with it.
First encounter: HOTFIX 3
Still present in current version? YESLogs: (HOTFIX 3) Misaligned offering animation logs.zip - Google Drive
Enemy character remains after exploding
That one infected enemy that explodes and releases several leeches doesn’t always disappear after exploding. Sometimes the character model remains stuck in the standard A-pose with no collision.From a gameplay perspective, the enemy is dead, it doesn’t do anything. It’s purely a visual bug with the character model.
First encounter: HOTFIX 2
Still present in current version? UNSURE (last time I encountered it was in HOTFIX 4)Logs: (HOTFIX 2) Bugged enemy character model logs.zip - Google Drive
Screenshot (from hotfix 4):
Video (from hotfix 2, this one specifically exploded in a scripted sequence):
Can’t use spacebar in the Watcher’s inventory upgrade menu
After selecting which inventory I want to upgrade, I can no longer use the spacebar to go through with my selection.Left mouse click still works fine.
I also encountered another bug here at the same time where I had the main hand weapon upgrade selected, but it upgraded my misc inventory.
After selecting the main hand weapon upgrade, the game asked me if I’m sure I want to upgrade my misc inventory. I clicked yes because I didn’t realise what the prompt said in time. So it seems like it prompts you with the wrong upgrade after your selection.
I unfortunately couldn’t catch that second bug on video.
First encounter: HOTFIX 5
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 5) Inventory upgrade menu logs.zip - Google Drive
Duplicate icons
Some icons in certain menus are duplicated.First encounter: HOTFIX 3
Still present in current version? YESLogs: (HOTFIX 3) Duplicate icons logs.zip - Google Drive
Spinning wheel shows up 4 times in the learned recipes menu.
The spinning wheel and the bed icons are duplicated in the workbench menu.
Can’t switch menu with left mouse click
At completely random times, left mouse click stops working when trying to navigate menus. I click on an icon and it doesn’t switch to that menu. Keyboard still works.First encounter: HOTFIX 3
Still present in current version? UNSURE
Misaligned exit menu buttons
The buttons in the exit menu don’t always line up with the UI background and clip into each other.First encounter: HOTFIX 4 (was fine in HOTFIX 5, bug came back in HOTFIX 6)
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 6) Bugged exit menu logs.zip - Google Drive
Table in Caroline’s Inn doesn’t have collision
The table in the corner in Caroline’s Inn (tier 3) doesn’t have collision and you can walk through it.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? YES
No music in player house
Sometimes the music in the player’s house doesn’t play. Happens about 60% of the time. In hotfix 5, I also heard rain sounds in the house.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? YES
Floating destructible objects
If a destructible object (like a barrel or a box) has another destructible object placed on top of it, and the object at the bottom is destroyed, the one on top of it sometimes remains floating in the air.First encounter: HOTFIX 4
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 4) Floating object logs.zip - Google Drive
Minor chest bugs
There’s a chest that spawns halfway inside a rock in the Nameless Pass.First encounter: HOTFIX 3
Still present in current version? UNSURELogs: (HOTFIX 3) Bugged chest logs.zip - Google Drive
There’s also two spots in the Orban Glades where two chests can spawn inside each other.
First encounter: HOTFIX 3
Still present in current version? NOLogs: (FIXED) Double chest logs.zip - Google Drive
The ones in the second image are sometimes closer to each other than in the screenshot.
Hotfix 5 made some minor improvements, I got an extra 5-10 frames and I really appreciate the work the devs have been putting in, especially with how quickly they’ve been pumping out these updates!
Unfortunately, the game still doesn’t perform that well for me overall, I’m getting 30 FPS on average, and sometimes it dips below that in certain areas.
I’m also still experiencing horrible model pop in when entering new areas. This got much better in the Nameless Pass with hotfix 5 (only the tiny objects pop in now, the terrain no longer pops in!)
First encounter: HOTFIX 1
Still present in current version? YES (but there have been small improvements!)
Logs: (HOTFIX 5) Environment pop in logs.zip - Google Drive
PC specs:
Windows 10
Intel Core i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
RTX 4060 Ti
1080p @ 60Hz
The game is installed on an SSD and I have the newest NVIDIA drivers.
Graphics preset is set to performance.
Hope this helps squishing these bugs! I’ll keep this post updated in case I find out more about some of these glitches (like how to replicate them).