I would like to see a Weapon Proficiency Leveling system that grows the more you utilize each weapon type. And each weapon type can have an Ability Tree of their own you can invest into, which will match with the weapon type.
Each level would allow you to increase a stat for that weapon class type, and award you Ability points to select Ability from that Weapon Type Ability Tree. For example, as you level OH Swords you can increase Weapon Damage or Stamina Consumption. When increasing Daggers proficiency, you can choose to increase Crit % or Crit DMG. With staves you can choose Elem DMG or Focus Regeneration. This would allow each weapon type to have a more personalized feel.
Some examples of Unique Weapon Abilities could include
•Invisibility during sneak for Daggers
•Focus Regen for 5 seconds after crit for Staves
•increased radius for AoE splash damage on Great Weapons
•Increased parry timing for Shields
At level 5 and every 5 levels after, you will reach bottlenecks which would require a Master trainer of that weapon type to help you unlock it with Ichor and a challenge. Once you break through the bottleneck, you would be allowed to use the next tier of weapons of that type.
Weapon Tiers
Lvl 1-5 Entry level weapons which are fully customizable as they are currently
Lvl 6-10 Rare - Has 1 unique ability of the weapon type
Lvl 11-15 Epic - Has 2 unique abilities of the weapon type
Lvl 16-19 Legendary - Has 3 unique abilities of the weapon type
Lvl 20(Max?) God/Demon - Has 3 abilities of ANY weapon type
This could be the same abilities as in the ability trees, which would allow you to allocate points in other abilities. Or if that ability is already unlocked on that weapons type ability tree, it would enhance it.
And lastly, remove Attribute requirements for weapons and just give each weapon type a scaling Attribute. That way even if you max out all weapon types, Attributes would ultimately define the build.
I personally do not like skill trees that force you to invest in abilities you don’t want to arrive at the one you do. By giving the weapon types the abilities, you can mix and match depending on your load out.