Unreachable shortcuts in the Nameless Pass

Hi Guys,

I just wanna ask if I missed something, or if it’s not possible yet to reach all visible locations in the game, namely in the Nameless Pass? I saw some drawbridges and ladders that I cannot find the way to reach them, I suppose that these areas are yet not completed. For example on the platau next to the great elevator there are two bridges visible, but no way to reach them. :slight_smile: I just want to make sure.


Both visible locations in Nameless Pass are unreachable by normal means at this point. I’m referring to the one in the north of the pass with the waterwheel and the other location in the east near the top of the elevator.

You technically can reach the waterwheel location though. If you have enough health to survive the fall damage and jump from the crane (near the whisper at the very top near the entrance to the mountain gate) on the the roof of the building but it doesn’t net you much other than a chest and a dig point.

Thanks. Yea I found that on with the falling technique, but the other two on the top are unreachable for now then. :slight_smile:

You have to get through the “gate” to reach it.

Are we talking about this spot?

I did post about this too: https://forum.norestforthewicked.com/t/how-do-you-get-up-there/5834

Let us know if anyone has an update!

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No actually i’m wrong, you can get just below it, my bad.

I tried for an hour or two to go there when i was stuck with the crane bug, i don’t think you can access it at the moment.

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I made it by jumping down from the crane on next to the highest whisper, anyway the area seems buggy and unreachable by other means.


Didn’t try from there, good job!

So we are not missing much?

Omg THANK YOU. I spent like an hour yesterday falling off stuff, trying to figure out how to get to the high point on the right, and the high point on the left.