Bridge east of the mountain next to nameless pass


  1. if you take the elevator and go to the top of the mountain right at the entrance of nameless pass you will find something interesting. When you reach the top and explore it, just a level below you will find a campfire and next to the camp fire you will find a raised bridge. Now in order to cross that bridge you need to climb from the other side and then lower the bridge. (like in many other circumstances). I was just wandering if someone managed to do that and if so how did you achieve this because i couldn’t find a way to lower that bridge.

  2. again when your standing on top of the mountain and instead of exploring east you go west, when you stand at the edge of the cliff you can see what is on the horizon. I saw a water mill that stand right on top of the waterfall that you can see in the nameless pass. Haven’t manage to reach that place. Anyone?

thank you

Both locations currently unavailable. Some people were able to access the area with the water mill but reported it was bugged. You’re not missing anything important.