새로운 보조장비, 아이템 빛기둥, 전투와 관련한 제안사항

I would like to express that the game is very impressive, and in hopes of contributing to its development, I offer the following suggestions:

Addition of a Musket Pistol: Since gunpowder already exists in the game, adding a musket pistol would fit well with the game’s atmosphere. I suggest that this pistol could be equipped in the shield slot.

Color Differentiation Based on Item Rarity: It would be beneficial if items of the highest rarity dropped with a distinct color glow, making it easier for players to identify them.

Execution Feature: Adding an execution feature that activates when an enemy is in a groggy state and the player approaches them would add tension to the combat and provide satisfaction to the players.

I hope these suggestions will enhance the immersion and player experience in the game.