Too few upgrade materials for killing Crucible boss

After spending a total of 75 upgrade mats in order to progress to be able to clear the crucible, the boss gave only 3 on clear.

  • 30 to Unlock Exalting
  • 15 to Exalt Weapon
  • 30 to Unlock Unique Echos
  • Total Spent: 75
  • Boss Drops 3… THREE.

That felt very bad, and a bit underwhelming… especially considering I get 6-10 just from the getting to the boss. Plus using having to use 10-15 servings of food for buffs and during the boss fight.

At that point, the boss clear is costing more than it’s rewarding.

it´s the best armament of the game. It´s normal. About the foods i use 3? … 4 perhaps. But it isn´t necesary with Ecos. You are doing bad something. This system of upgrade it´s for give us hours of play, obiusly. If you want upgrade all armament of the all pj,s then…
In my case, in 15 minutes i have one armament upgrade. 2 Runs and 20 or 25 green orbs. So i don´t see something bad in this.