Stats to modify the body types

Hey folks,

The current character creation is not the most varied and wanted to take this opportunity and propose; what if the stats invested would influence the shape our Avatars look?

Roughly put:
Strength reliant: Bulkier forearms (the default look), slim rest of the body
Dexterity reliant: Bulkier legs (no leg days skipped), slim rest of the body
Intelligent reliant: Boofhead, slim rest of the body

So the idea is still to keep that cartoony look and have some sense of humour result in their look.

Any ideas to improve/combine to a similar system are welcome.


I’d like to start by making the Male and Female characters look different in the same armors. Different Sprints, Dodges, Attack styles of the same attack. Right now it seems only the grunts give away character type.

As it is right now you can’t tell the difference between the two as the armor is your characters “new” body shape, regardless. Some leggings make your ankles super tiny or arms thinner.

Wouldn’t mind the idea of having more control over how armor looks and feels on the character. Maybe you want more loose armor as opposed to tights or thin plates.

Oh no, so every mage would be a bobblehead monster hehehe, i dont think thats gonna work, what would Faith make bigger? The feet? Oh i know the knees, you have to kneel to pray afterall right?

The Hands will be bigger from all that praying, bcs they press the hands so hard together.
