Simplify some Systems of the Game, Pls

I purchased this game at 0:00, Apr 18, and played it for 9.2h, I love it so much and hope the suggestions below will make it better.

Simplify the building system
It just costs too much time to wait. It is unncessary to make us players wait for so long and it would just confuses us. So as the hotel system, I can’t find a reason why it takes 4 hours to “have a rest” in game.

Integrate some funtions with the WHISPER system
It’s a waste if WHISPERs are just check points that only connect with sacrament. While some funtions, like the cooking, transmission among WHISPERs, are convenient and able to ruduced meaningless effort of players. It will simpilfy other systems at the same time.

Get rid of duration system
We can see that more and more games get rid of duration, like Elden Rings. It’s a trend and I hope you know that it’s just a drawback in any games.

Despite the topic, there are some probiems for localization. We Chinese players found that some of the description of a weapon will miss, like the below:

I will glad if my suggestion will help you to consummate the game
love from China