Runes or Consumables (like food) need a cooldown!

You’re not in the later stages. You’re in an early access in act 1 lol.

I’m in late stage dementia soon.

Well i think the problem is not skill spamming, i think the problem is once you reach a certain point in the EA every enemy just dies too fast, so this will not be an issue once the game is released and new areas are introduced and those skills wont do the same huge damage they did on those early game enemies, and the new skills on better weapons might cost more focus too, this will balance things out.

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True. Devs have also said they want the world to be more dynamic = enemies scaling better towards player item level or something.

IMO the idea of cooldown triggers ‘feels bad’ from the perspective of players.

I agree that the mobs got too easy in EA late game now, but there’re far better ways to resolve the issue than introducing a cooldown to items.

I think the root cause is while the game tries to be a souls-like, most mobs don’t have an intimidating moveset, also their aggro rate is kinda low, as in, most of time it feels like they’re proactively showing/giving you the window and be like: hey, land hits on me now, use your rune.
The rewarding part SHOULD BE that the mobs are good, but you beat them anyways, that’s the core rewarding mechanism of souls game – it’s hard, but FAIR, and this is what gives players dopamine rush.

Unironically the Crucible Knight in Elden Ring is a great pressing example, it gives so much pressure that after killing him you feel like a god.

I’m talking about normal gameplay non-cheese design here, with these types of games, people will always find a build that’s broken and that’s it. I would suggest refining the mobs movesets to include better combo divsersity, mobs should be punishing, but you hit as hard.

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Disagree with everything you said.

Rune’s should be spammable, if your build allows for it. While I agree that currently it’s a bit to easy to spam, it really should just be a matter of tweaking so numbers.

Focus should limit how you cast, not some arbitrary cooldown.

This isn’t even that practical with the Focus potion nerf. If there is a problem here, then perhaps potions need a longer drinking animation so there’s more of a risk to drinking them.

Just no to everything you said.

Keep in mind we’re all basically roided out from being able to max out our gear way sooner than we should have been able to.

No cd plz…solving this problem involve simple tweeking of focus and its mods on gear.

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How about removing or extremely nerfing/adjusting focus gain on Rune damage?

As of now with at least one item that provides focus on damage I can infinitely spam rune skill.

If the combat boils down to rune spam I believe it to be a combat design problem

normal combat it self is kinda weird and empty, enemies in general have stray forward attacks and rotating attacks, and worst of all: sliding / jumping ultra fast attacks…

I don’t have a solution for this that bothers me other than slowing combat down and making it more deliberate, for it seamed as the stamina was intended for a slower paced game, while they speeded up the enemies, and then speeded up the player and everything went bananas

I do agree spamming is a problem it is not engaging. I don’t like the cooldown idea that much either. Maybe they can also just use stamina that would make it less spammable.

Another way of solving the problem is adding stamina cost for runes…outside of staff class ofc.

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There are other solutions to reduce spamming.

If the mechanical differences between runes were greater, then different situations - even within the same fight - might require different runes, so there would be more incentive to at least alternate runes.

If there were more conditional runes, and also runes to apply those conditions, then correctly chaining multiple runes would work better than just spamming a single rune.

If some runes would apply non-stacking effects, then spamming those runes would be relatively less efficient.

If there were multiple resources for runes plus ways to generate those resources (e.g. some runes use stamina instead of focus, some runes that use focus might generate stamina), this would also allow for builds relying on correctly chained runes or just opportunistic casting of different runes.

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The biggest issue with rune spam is focus gain on rune usage.

Cooldowns could solve issues, think of how MOBAs work.

But, then we would just cycle through weapons or slot 4 similar runes (4 different throws); and then cycle weapons.

OMG brother no need to try and move a mountain…whats the cause of a spamable shi** in any game…wrong ressource management.
Its either stamina or focus , the devs have to just decide which one is easier and faster to balance, maybe both in an interplay.

except its not a moba

Doesn’t matter.

Different genre’s do different things well.

Drawing from them is the smartest thing to do if it is relevant to what you are doing. They have a proven track record.

Yeah potions not the problem. Focus gain on damage dealt is the biggest problem. Couple that with rune attacks with multiple hits that also generate huge amounts of stagger and you have a recipe for huge imbalance.

There are multiple ways to address this. I like post above to make different runes effects more conditional. There should be a risk reward. You can’t have easy to spam (no risk) that also does stagger and also does lots of damage. That’s just broken.

The runes that knock down or otherwise stun lock the bosses should not be spammable. Or if they are they should be hard to pull off and interruptible.

Not a fan of cool downs but agree focus Regen coupled with certain runes is a problem.


I dont see any issue, the game is animation driven and the animation (the time it take to do that action) is the cooldown both for rune attacks or drinking potion.

When you drink a potion you are open to attacks and you can’t cancel the animation to evade and if you have focus you should be able to spam runes.

I disagree… sry brother but youre comparing a finger with a dic*. Those are different beasts by nature, cant approach a wolf the same way you approach a lion.
No cds plz.