RNG - Too much and Variance is too big

I really believe that it should be trimmed down. If there was no upgrade system then i could live with that - you play with what you get. But because upgrading exists, is expensive and time consuming, especially after recent change to merchants, a lot of items feel like trash because who will invest into upgrading them if they low rolled?

Damage on a weapon - random. I was trying to make a nice Talwar, Damage ranged from 17 to 24. That’s over 40% increase max over min. Or we could say it is 8 different bases. Some people will work only with highest roll (12,5% of all drops), let’s say we will work with top3, it means that we will consider only 37,5% of all “bases” that we see. This is only the beginning of long list of rng that is to come.

Stamina cost - random

Focus generated - random

Weight - random

Then we go to enchantress.
Blue or purple? - random
2 affixes, 3 affixes, 4 affixes? - random (that’s double the amount)
Godlike affixes or nothingburgers? - random
Value range on these affixes? - random
Curse that literally bricks my weapon or has 0 impact? - random

And lastly i insert the gem - 5% or 15%? That’s 3x difference.

I feel like people are ok with that because they abuse the hell out of the game with savescumming, duping etc.

In my opinion it will lead to situation where everyone will go around with weapons that can be obtained through vendors, because what will be the chance for a random drop weapon to be at least decent after all these rng steps? Less than 1% i assume

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The whole loot system needs to be overhauled way to much rng. Make loot worthy of being called loot or have crafting be a better option that gives players more control over their builds.

Have the ability to break down gear for mats or at least let players re-role items vs getting items bricked because of rng at the enchanter

Spending time to farm gear and then get nothing because enchanting gives you the only option to get certain perks and 90% of the time it gives useless returns.

Have more options in crafting to balance around the rng.

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I really hope something will change.
I wanted to try more builds but i just burned out just by doing 1 build.
Enchanting is just pain. It’s the same reason i hated Diablo 4.

It takes a lot of time to find the weapon you want (end game weapons).
So in order to make a good weapon you need to:

  1. Find it → i got the weapon i like 1 every 2 full crucible runs
  2. Enchant → you get like a 10% chance to get some good enchanting (this is how it feels), if you fail start from step 1
  3. infuse → if you get bad stats, restart at step 1
  4. rune → choose wisely, because if you want to change it (why???), restart at step 1

for me every step must be repeatable with no limits, lose the materials in process, but you can overwrite, enchanting, infusions and runes…

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I made a ‘deep-dive’ regarding my concerns about the whole endgame, grinding & RNG. I would very much be interested in hearing your thoughts about some of the stuff I brought up and potential solutions.

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My thoughts are the same. Some RNG is fine. But there is far too much variance now, on every single stat. OP estimates that the chance of getting a desirable piece of equipment, after all the RNG, is around 1%. I believe that estimate is generous. It is less than 1%. You cannot plan a build with that much variance and it’s certainly not fun to grind, grind, grind to finally find the equipment you want just to have it bricked by an enchantment. Fun is the point of a game, is it not? Lower the range of base protection/damage, significantly limit the range of variance in the infusions and enchantments, and finally, remove the purple enchantment penalties that make equipment completely unusable (such as stamina loss on dmg taken, continuous health drain, continuous focus drain, equipment load reduction…). Respect the player’s time in this way and NRFTW immediately becomes a much better game.

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