Refinery, Crafting, and early Housing suggestion

I’m bad with English, so I’ll keep it “short”.

Like it or not, NRFTW will have huge aspects that not all players would like. Some will find it enjoyable, some will feel it tedious, some doesn’t care. Catering to all of these people, I think is impossible. This is before Moon implemented other new mechanics like farming.

I won’t really comment on silvers or spruce being rare because it’s obviously supposed to be rare at current progression of the game. It’s fine being that way for now.


  • it’s fine. It’s a bit too easy now with silver tools one-hitting resource, but overall experience is still enjoyable.


  • make refining things have constant time (for example, 5 seconds per item), or remove it all together instead of it having exponentially longer time to refine for every tier.
  • refining raw materials in the respective vendors cost money, while refining materials in our own property should be free. Perhaps make the respective refinery a bit more expensive in return.


  • same with refining, crafting in vendors cost money but crafting in our own property should be free. Make the tools more expensive like refinery.


  • refined material is still being sold at respective vendors at their respective tier
  • for every refined materials being bought, the price should increase. The price then gradually decrease over time until normalized to its initial price. This should be the case for pre-made foods too, I think.
  • Equipment repair should scale with its tier.

early Housing/Storage

  • Rather than in the Lodge, community chest should be in the blacksmith and unlocks after Fillmore reappear in the smith (After Selene’s arrival
  • We saved Fillmore, so it’s not weird if he lets us use his stuff
  • It’s located in the public area, thus it being “community” and can be used for other people is apt.

The objective for this suggestion is to provide easy access for people that don’t like gathering-refining-crafting, but still have consequences when “abused”, which is price increase (should it be exponential?) for said refined materials. People that likes to gather materials won’t be affected too much by the gathering process, but the refinement should be easier as it doesn’t take too much time and can be cheaper if they have their own furnace or such. The refinement tools being a bit expensive but then free to use is to give people incentive to buy and use the tools. But still can use it in the vendors with a small cost(?)

Also, I’d like to say the previous housing being unlocked after Winnick’s mission is more natural story-wise than current state. I think the “problem” is not really the housing itself, but the lack of storage before housing.