Praise, Crafting, Armor Sets

Welp, I’m like 90hrs into this game now, it is seriously addictive. Haven’t had this much fun since Baldur’s Gate III and that’s really high praise. The rate at which you all have responded to feedback is legendary. Before I get to my suggestion, I just want to say that you’ve captured one of my favorite aspects of Diablo/Souls, which is building around and for legendary weapons. It will be even better when we get that respec option which I know will be implemented at some point!

Onto the feedback: I find that one thing I’d really like more of are blueprints to craft a wider variety of armor. I think it should be possible once we reach Sacrament to be able to craft, for instance, a full set of the varieties of armor we find randomly throughout the Shallows/Keep/Glades. One of my favorite things to do in ARPGs/Souls is have a matching set of gear as opposed to a mish-mash. I don’t know if we will ever get “green” set piece armor drops that provide set bonuses, I can live without that. But I’d like to guarantee a full set.

It doesn’t have to be cheap or easy, I’m fine with making a substantial investment to get the armor I want. I like what the blacksmith currently sells, the Sacrament armor set and the Eversol set, I have both fully upgraded. I was able to easily find full sets of late-game gear through Crucible runs.

I think maybe just make it possible to craft the early pre-lvl 11 sets, like the Wildling/Archer/Knave/Thief/Prisoner sets. It suuuuucks to have like 3/4 of these and have no way of reliably getting the last one.

Fashion is the endgame. :laughing:

I assume we’ll have more control in crafting. If memory serves, it was hinted at before crafting is what you’ll eventually want to invest in more instead of hoping for RNG drops.

Ah, I did not hear that - good to know!

FFXIV is coming back to haunt me. Well, it has been good 5 years since I did end game house and fashion.

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I agree with more blueprints of armor/weapons.

One of the issues currently is that it is far more beneficial to use armor sets sold by vendors to play the enchantment lottery with rather than your favorite piece of equipment that matches your roleplay esthetic.

Workaround to getting low level gear: keep your realm in the tier you want gear to drop. T2 starts dropping when you unlock the sewers, and more reliably when defeating Falstead. I have been farming T2 gear for an entire week + enchanting and still not lucky :upside_down_face:

An idea I had for blueprints could be dismantling gear to get the recipe, especially since they will be adding more and more gear. I don’t mind farming resources for crafting etc, it’s faster than farming the items themselves :joy:

Sometimes it will take several hours to find the weapon you want, only to mess it up with enchanting, or God forbid a low roll on the 4th custom enchant.