Overall Speed (Patch 3)

Has anyone else tested overall speed? For starters I’m assuming this stat line is a combination of attack and move speed.

I was able to get 30% overall speed for testing and I’m not noticing a difference. I saw that attack speed was listed as fixed in the patch notes but I’m not feeling it/seeing it.

I tested with a knife and with bow rune abilities.

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hey thanks for the report. any screenshots of the weapons used with their enchantments would be helpful.


If it matters none of the items were crafted this patch, but I assume the fix would be retroactive.

Weapons were just a Hunter’s Knife and Yewn Longbow. Both white.

I tried the auto attack string on the dagger as well as the rune attack arrow and multi shot.

I have a question about Overall Speed Increased in general.

The Willow Rings, III rank, only provide attack/movement speed.

These rings can be maxed to 15% with Exalted enchant, seems low and underpowered compared to AGI rings.

Agi rings provide additional stam cost/regen buffs in addition to Attk-Speed and Movement Speed, with Exalt, the only net-loss compared to Willow Ring is -5% on movement speed.

Assuming you don’t have crazy stam regen elsewhere on gear, AGI Rings for Rank I just seems like the better ring through and through.

Can Willow Rings perhaps get an additional Affix to make it standout? They seem underpowered/overshadowed by starter rings.

I’ll make a suggestion Topic too.

saved video and reviewed the frames. slowed at .25 the difference can be user error. Multi-shot wasn’t slowed but follows the same user error difference.

Maybe this is intentional because they’re rune abilities but I’ll add that the agility ring effects my stamina consumed on the rune ability arrow…