Willow Ring feels underpowered and overshadowed

Willow Ring vs Agi Ring

I have a question about Overall Speed Increased in general.

The Willow Rings, III rank, only provide attack/movement speed.

These rings can be maxed to 15% with Exalted enchant, seems low and underpowered compared to AGI rings.

Agi rings provide additional stam cost/regen buffs in addition to Attk-Speed and Movement Speed, with Exalt, the only net-loss compared to Willow Ring is -5% on movement speed.

Assuming you don’t have crazy stam regen elsewhere on gear, AGI Rings for Rank I just seems like the better ring through and through.

Can Willow Rings perhaps get an additional Affix to make it standout? They seem underpowered/overshadowed by starter rings.

I’ll make a suggestion Topic too.

Do they stack? Because now you cant use two equal rings, so if they stack you can become the flash hehehe, i mean theres even armor that gives overall speed.

what tier are willow & agility rings again? If the willow is T1 & the agility T2, maybe it’s intentional? Otherwise yeah I do agree

I don’t know, crap - I didn’t realize that 3 AGI or Willow Rings didn’t stack with these stats.

Speed is so hard to measure in this game.

Would be nice if they placed these values on the stat page so we KNOW EXACTLY what is additive or reductive or mute.

Same for Elemental dmg not stacking, again, when gems or enchants overlap, a stat page indicating exactly how much elemental dmg+ attk dmg would be a welcome change.

Before the patch, AGI Rings stam-reduction/stam regen certainly stacked - I need to take the AGI rings off and test for stam reduction.

Willow Rings are Tier 3 -

AGI Rings are Tier 1.

I’ve only ever seen Willow Rings drop in Crucible prepatch and current patch.

Maybe they drop from quest rewards now with the latest patch, but i can’t confirm. For end-game rings, they are pretty lame.

oh yeah that’s a problem then for sure

They used to stack yes, because I remember stacking them on spalled axe to stunlock the Riven Twins into infinity by just auto attacking. I think it was some earlier patch tho.

But 100% some more tooltips and info on stats and values would be massive QoL.

Have you tested again recently? Or better question does attack speed only influence attack strings and not runes?

I had not until recently bothered with %speed because it was lasted as a known issue but I tested last night and didn’t see an improvement with knife nor the runes abilities arrow and multi shot with a 30% overall modifier.

Could be it only influences attacks and it’s not very perceptible on knife since it already attacks quickly but it just didn’t seem impactful when I was messing around with it.

OMG - I took my 3 AGI rings off, and now I get an error when I attempt to re-equip more than 1!!!

They all 3 were stacking, but your right, the patch prevents this now! Fack, I just screwed myself because up until now, 3 AGI rings gave me noticeable attack speed/movement speed and Stam Regen buffs!

I just tested by removing my 3 AGI rings - I can’t requip more than 1 now.

But I checked my attack speed with my 2h sword, it was INDEED faster with all 3, and a tad slower with 2, and super slow with just 1 ring-

I’m screwed, I was in a beneficial loop hole until now - Lol, wish i didn’t create this thread now =(

Fair enough maybe it only influences attacks, nothing for runes even if it’s overall speed. I’ll try with 2h tonight. I have a set of armour with 10% on 3 pieces. With the knife it felt like nothing tho

From my tests the ‘overall speed increase’ enchantment that can be found on Willow Ring as well es lila gear still does not increase attack speed, only move speed. It seems bugged.

The Agiliti Ring was fixed with the last update, and the attack speed increase from several rings does stack… if you happen to have more than 1 equiped.

saved video and reviewed the frames. slowed at .25 the difference can be user error. Multi-shot wasn’t slowed but follows the same user error difference.

Maybe this is intentional because they’re rune abilities but I’ll add that the agility ring effects my stamina consumed on the rune ability arrow…

Is the attack speed influencing the attack string or?

The only 2H I like the move set on that much is Icebreaker. Great combos out of dodge and I didn’t notice a difference playing. I haven’t broken it down like I did for the bow but I’m curious.

For instance the attack out of dodge looks to come out just as fast. The attack string that follows is also very quick for 2H weapons. I cancel the string with a rune ability and use the standing light attack to finish the combo.

Is the take away overall speed is still bugged and 15% isn’t noticeable but if you have 3 at 45 from an old character it’s definitely working?

For the test I used the Serrated Cutter and performed 3 standing attacks in a row, while stopping the time needed.

However, my previous post has no relevance anymore. Now after Hotfix 2 “overall speed” enchantment is working on attack speed and ring even stacks with gear.
At the same time, I found an Agility Ring after the hotfix and this new ring had no attack speed enchantment anymore, while the older ones still do and they still work.

So, Willow Ring is fixed; Agiltity Ring is nerfed.

Just a side note @BowUser have you tried the Summers Sting greatsword? I think it’s quite good.

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Oh word. I think I have one laying around. I’ll mess around with it tonight.

I’ll retest the overall speed fix as well.

I need to make a chest with legacy items and store them.

As a fellow Summer Sting user, I can confirm. Weapon is BiS except for the final pose on the attack chain. But, massive AOE swings that override enemy attacks :joy: Rune attack is meh on it tho.

Fairly sure @Stinkerbolle uses Summer Sting as well. Seems to be a popular weapon.


We’ll see if it can out favor icebreaker. It’ll be tough tho, that weapon just has it all man.

A nice wide cleave out of sprint, quick flourish combo after the wide cleave… long lunging attack out of med weight dodge that has access to charged attack after.

I weave in ice ram and follow up with the standing light attack. It’s clean.

Anyone have favorite runes for 2h? I use a white with ice throw, ice ram, and I e been alternating between dodge slam down and berserk strike (just got oo good for shields and stoping EK attacks).

I wanna mess around with a lightning version but it’s been shit looking for new runes.

yeah i tried fetid club, but its slower and doesn’t have ranged rune, i put fire throw on the summer sting.

I think blister might be an even better, faster 2-hander but i only got one and the enchant bricked it… (damn, could have used duping…)

btw i don’t think the willow ring does anything, using it with agi ring, didn’t change move speed for me, but my test wasn’t that great, so if anyone wants to investigate :wink:

Really? I think Wallbreaker is one of the better 2H runes. It comes out fast, is a gap closer with a lunge and has a massive range with 400% dmg scaling, it also always breaks stance. Hard to beat that.