Willow cap ring/agility ring

WILLOW CAP RING-overall speed increase 15%. tool tip-boosts the wearer’s overall speed, enhancing both movement and attack velocity
I equip 3 of them to see a difference. swing speed feels the same, movement speed isn’t any faster. you should deff feel a 34% movement increase.

AGILITY RING- attack stamina cost decreased by 14%, attack speed increased by 10%, movement speed increased by 7%, sprint stamina cost decreased by 10%.
Once again i equipped 3 of them. attack speed/movement speed doesn’t seem to do anything. although the reduced stam cost on attacks works…

also doesn’t willow cap ring just seem like a completely worse version of agility ring, while needing to be lvl 21 for willow cap and lvl 1 for aglility. if they both worked.

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Oh, so I am not crazy for not seeing any difference in the speed overall when I equip those, i suppose that stat isn´t really working as intended.

I just tested this myself.

39% from x3 Willow Cap Ring is WORSE than
24% from x3 Agility Ring


Use Agility Rings until fixed. Movement speed in 10 steps in-game correlates to about 14-15 steps when not using mobility.

Will Cap Rings need to be fixed and Movement Speed “feel” needs to be improved on both rings.

Other games I’ve played 5% movement is a huge improvement. In No Rest it’s not until about 25% (agility rings) that you start to see benefits. Which means running at least 3 to feel like it helps.

i am beginning to think double equips and same passive overlays dont work, or were not intended to be, via devs. from 1 ring to 2 ag rings is a difference i can tell. but from 2-3 is invisible. so i just kept one ring equipped as 34-50% attack speed in early game would be impossible op

Rings are bugged as well as Torches not working for some people… I gain movement and attack speed with Agility ring but the improvements of the Willow Cap Ring are so minimal that it appears not to work. If you run over a long period and test time to distance you will see it works about 25% of it’s ability. So 10% movement on Willow Cap is more like 2.5%.

Well, attack-stam reduction DOES stack from rings, as well minor movement speed calculations.

Hence, there is still a net benefit from wearing all 3 rings of either kind.

Attk-Speed is either entirely broken or extremely .000001 whereas I can’t feel ANY attack speed increase with any melee weapon, heh.

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I’d agree about the weapons. I can test faster movement and stamina cost benefits but the speed of attacks does not seem to change at all or is very inconsequential.

guys a good formula worked for me, which is to double stack willow w the highest movement speed agility ring you have. I say this because I think the willow takes effect, then the agility ring amplifies the % of the %.

so, willow 10% atk mov, + willow 5% atk mov = 15% atk mov + 14% atk 13 % mov, agility ring. meaning willow comes before the total speed equation, while agility ring comes after the total equation.

my proof is that I’m light rolling w a heavy build, playing football lb rb hitting guys tough and fast!

i learned this math from genshin damage formula: 10 total speed. plus 10%= 11 speed. plus 14% from agility after the end of the formula =.14 or 11.14 speed. stack willow rings, and then 1 agility ring

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I will test tomorrow. I think you may be on to something.

So let me rethink this.

Willow Cap Ring works IF
1.) You have at least 1 Agility Ring providing the initial speed buffs.
2.) Then Willow Cap is calculated from that.

I will definitely test this tomorrow. It can’t buff overall, if there is no overall to buff. We’re assuming Overall means Base speed but maybe it doesn’t. Or not as strong to Base as it is for Agility/Willow Combo. I think I got you now.

@SimplisticBeing you are on to the right thing, but the opposite: the agility ring is a percentage increase, while willow ring is an base increase.

so this formula:

base speed 10 + 10% willow ring = 11. + 10% agility ring = 12.1

base speed 10+ 30% speed from 3 agility rings =13

oh one more note: willow rings seem to ignore equip load, negating heavy load. you will still fat roll, but super fast

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Test 1
x3 Will Cap Rings = 40% Overall Speed.
-Both movement and attack speed appear to show zero gains

x3 Agility Rings
-Attack Stamina Cost decreased by 33% = Looks and Feels right
-Attack Speed increased by 37% = NO CHANGE
-Movement Speed increased by 24% = Looks and Feels right
-Sprint Stamina Cost decreased by 42% = Did not test.

Test 2
1 Willow Cap Ring = 14%
2 Agility Rings = 26% Attack Speed + 16% Movement Speed
-Only movement speed is felt but if agility Ring is removed all benefit looks and feel are gone too. Only Agility Rings provide look and feel benefits.

Test 3
1 Agility Ring = 13% Attack Speed + 8% Movement Speed
2 Willow Cap Rings = 27% Overall Speed
-Only movement increases according to what Agility Ring increases and removing Willow Cap rings provides the same feel as when grouped with 1 agility ring. Willow Cap Rings do not provide benefits when paired.

Short video of some testing.

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I will say Willow Cap Ring says increases movement and attack Velocity which is NOT the same as Speed. So maybe Willow Cap increases damage of attacks due to the increased velocity and not just speed of attack. Maybe it’s situational to certain attacks gaining these benefits. Although, movement speed increases with Willow Cap should still work over all. 40% should show SOMETHING but it just doesn’t. Not to me anyway.

No Strikethrough option? Dang.

Anyway, attack damage is not improved with either. I didn’t test many Rune attacks. Maybe spin attacks gain something? Like Whirl and Whirlwind? I’ll test later…maybe haha.

Had a few people ask me to test these again during stream and we are just coming up with zilch. Willow Cap does nothing regardless of configuration, weight of equip load or percentages.

Agility ring does improve movement speed and attack/sprint stamina cost but attack speed never increases.
Agility ring also does not improve weight specific dodges for me. Fast, Normal and Heavy all have the same speed and recovery with any ring configuration both Agility and Willow.

Safe to say I’m done testing these rings until the Devs make note of changes in a patch or someone can verify through video how these actually work if for some reason they require more than the rings themselves.