Not a fan of earlier housing

My solution to this matter would have been to swap the floors in the rookery. Make it so the community chest is on the bottom floor and add tabs. Then for the ‘‘go to the rookery’’ questline just add boxes on either exit that Danos is moving or something.

Housing becoming available after Rats and Raiders made a lot of narrative sense. I felt like I earned it. When we first defeat Warrick and show up to Sacrament, Winnick is suspicious of us. A stranger defeating a monster like that. Even after Elsworth’s comments he remains uncertain. Winnick then uses us to defeat Falstead to further test us, he is using us to solve their issues. Winnick then decides to further test our trustworthiness by using Rattigan as bait. They keep tabs on him, whilst letting us do the dirty work with Falstead. After we have defeated Falstead Winnick reveals this and says we are now worthy of becoming a citizen of Sacrament. This gives us so much insight to who Winnick is as a person and adds meaning to housing.

Also, I made a post about replacing the current ichor inventory expansion system with a feat system similar to D&D. Feel free to check it out: