More Introduction about Mechanics & UI Improvements (120h in)

I am roughly over +120h, and I can’t believe just how amazed I am that I am still looking to do more in this game even in this current state.

During that time, I’ve been gathering some important things the game definitely needs, and surely I am not the first nor the last who is gonna bring it up.

Introducing the Player more mechanics the game doesn’t tell you about:

    1. There are 4 status effects… Please let the players know what each status effect does. At some point at least, when you gain a fire attack bonus, or getting hit by elemental attacks.
      Nowadays I actually managed to no hit Echo Knight as an Electric Mage, and surely applied the status effect multiple times, while STILL having no idea what It actually does, lol.

    1. A tutorial section in the pause menu, where you can view all tutorials again, that you have seen before.
      You often tend to forget on how one of the many mechanics worked again.
      I for instance was clueless why I could not shoulder bash, when I read in the controls that this is a possibility.
      Only to watch a video or read about it, that I need to be heavy weight.
      I could have checked this again in some sort of tutorial section, to see how I can use it.

UI Improvements:

    1. A little description at least, that explains the runic purpose. Even better, a short video showcase. But that’s not necessary for me at least. A simple description should be enough.
      Right now, saying “Slot this into a __ weapon to gain the __ runic” isn’t nearly the Info of the runic we desire.
      Someone on YouTube actually had to go through the pain, of showcasing every runic ability the Early Access currently offers.
      And when viewing a weapon, create a way for us to hover over the slotted runics to see the infos.
      Perhaps an input Action, that says View Slotted/Socketed Runics to check them out.
      And have it please also display focus cost.

    1. When viewing the recipe for cooking/anvil/workbench, give us more information on what it does/look like etc.

    1. Being able to view the items you get when looking at bounties/challenges etc.
      I get little to no motivation to these things, when I don’t even get to see what it even offers.
      It can offer weapons/armors/recipe’s etc. all but zero information about them.

    1. When slotting runes at eleanor, please let us view all runics we have. I have way more runics than shown here, and I need to get it out of my chests to use the desired runic.

I would be updating this post, as I perhaps discover more things the game may require in my opinion, as I continue messing around with it, thanks to the respec feature!
Absolutely loving the game! Keep it up Moon Studios! Can’t wait for future updates!

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Another thing is because this game is so unique and drawing in so many different crowds PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE make a disclaimer/PSA that characters can move between realms.

The amount of people I’ve had to explain to that your character is not locked to a save like in Dark Souls is infuriating.

Clarity is one of my main issues in the early access. I actually put my playthrough on hold because of the absence of rune video previews. The overwhelming focus on procedural elements is already causing an overkill of inventory management and distractions that feel too much like a shitty job I didn’t sign up for, creating an imbalance between narrative immersion and spending time in menus. The latter to me needs to be as frictionless as possible.