Make it happen please :3

  1. Add more weapons for support classes like cleric/tanks/hex/buffer/curses as I would like to play support role for multiplayer

  2. Add something like crucible but mode for multiplayer with rouge-like elements for example:

I enter in coop mode into dungeon/rift/crucible and each stage gives us 3 items (randomly) to pick it up, it may give buffs etc. having different difficulty would be nice too, really looking forward this game develop - truly believe it may be best arpg out there with proper implementations

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Agreed, so far Religion plays a big part of the story with the Inquisition. A Faith Scaling Censor could be pretty cool, it would have some restorative properties or runes.

Yes! Fellow supports rise up! There’s many ways they can go about improving this. One of my favorite suggestions was giving shields auras similar to Diablo II Paladin.


Oh yeah, auras sounds good too, kind of shaman would be good too when actually casting you are locked with animation (still can cancel it tho with dodge/block) before buffing so it takes proper timing and teamwork

for rouge-like mode I forgot to add that you start from lvl 1 and naked so games has more replay ability than it has now

I think the rpg fantasy roles can easily be fixed if they add more runes and tie some of them to different stats for more class diversity. Faith being my biggest pet peeve in the game right now because I feel it doesn’t have much of an identity compared to other stats.

Here’s another thread I started about this