New crucible / exploration for coop

I’d like a crucible wich is some kind of exploration one.

U’ll have a limited amount of supplies, will need to cook on your way cuz, i don’t know, maybe the elevator broke so u can’t come back up and you lost almost everything u were carrying except for a few meal / oil / throwable items.

On this kind of journey we can imagine anything, like, having to rest, and risking ambush, having to dig through a wall because water is gonna flood our place, having to gather precious ore while monster keep poping.

this would be quite a cool thing to do with friend, so we can elaborate strategies, give people role, prepare the items and recipe needed for the road~

it would bring some fresh air compared to the classic rogue like system where it’s clear a room, get a bonky bonus, clear next room (i mean, i like this, especially bosses that i feel will kinda give me some monster hunter feeling)

it could also be some “goods” u need to bring from a town to another, while monster keep poping along the way, and u have to fix the road, the cart wheels, while someone defend it from behing stolen / destroyed, needing comunication is kinda what i’d love to see coming with the multiplayer and i don’t quite expect that to happen in a crucible run where the only goal is to kill everything

hope u’ll like the idea, even if yeah… they are like whole concept to build from nothing XD