Running List of Suggestions/Feedback From my Playthrough

  1. Crucible should be unlocked after completion of main story - introducing it in the midst of everything throws off the narrative a bit (Similar to the Tree in Diablo 4 which is end-game content that is unlocked once you complete the campaign)
  • 1A) Currently only drops echoes to be used in specific instances - maybe there needs to be a way to implement loot drops (1 Chest at the end of each chamber that scales rewards with difficulty)? - (Since crucible does not give exp)

  • 1B) Introduction of Mini-Dungeon/Regions throughout the map? More exploration so its not just limited to crucible

  1. Option to dismantle gear/weapons for crafting materials

  2. Detail/Info button for stats/runes/items when you toggle and hover over said description/icon - (Currently only available as “insight” for stats page attributes)

  3. More Bounty Variety/Difficulties + Miniboss weekly fights in specific locations (With added modifiers)

  4. Whispers - Maybe similar to Elden Ring Bonfire system? - Currently not enough locations to warrant suggestions… (Whisper Travel Points that can be toggled from the map)

  5. Quality of Life: NPC Dialogue when in vicinity repeats the same lines over and over again FILMORE BLACKSMITH can be a lil annoying at times. - (Still love the worldbuilding regardless)

  6. Camera Zoom Option/Toggle - Just allowing u to zoom ur camera in on urself and then back to default …So you can isolate fights / Check out your own awesome fit/drip.

  7. Enchantments: Heat/Cold/Electric/Plague - Not really evident what each one does to enemies. No actual indication of any form of status effect.

  • Plague: Poison - Did not see any poison tick damage

  • Heat: Slow Burn - Did not really see any burn damage?

  • Cold: Should slow/Eventual Freeze - Did not occur

  • Lightning: Stun? Chain to enemies? - Nothing really occured.

  • Since we can toggle enemy health/poise bars , Status effect bars should be visible too since when we get HIT with the effects, we develop a bar that shows its effects/duration

…To be Continued - Will Add as I Come Across More (If any said above already exists, apologies)

Love the game wholeheartedly so far - cannot wait for more

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