One of my biggest gripes with No Rest for the Wicked is how the randomized loot, along with respawning loot/chests in the world, discourages exploration.
Why bother putting hidden or difficult to reach chests in the game at all, when every chest has the same loot quality regardless of how difficult it is to reach. Why should I bother going out of my way to climb a mountain when I could go back to an older area and just loot everything that’s respawned?
What makes this worse is just how poor the loot quality can be. Nothing feels worse than bending over backwards to grab a huge chest that’s been taunting you for an hour, only for it to contain 1 weapon oil and 6 copper.
I feel that chests need to be assigned higher or lower “quality” loot tables depending on where they’re located. Harder chests should drop better or predefined loot. It would be nice to see some hand-placed loot every now and again. It seems like a very strange decision to emphasise the hand-crafted world as a selling point, and then just randomize everything in it.
The world and level design is stunning, what you need to do is make me feel like I’m being rewarded for exploring it
i think it tries to be more souls like rather than diablo with less loot, chest contain rare blueprints so its worth to loot and for gems and craftingmaterials. killing enemies reward gear and weapons and bosses reward unique loot. simple, and with that you can choose what to do, only focus killing enemies and proggress or go farming chests and gather crafting materials, i find bouth fun
They could assign the ‘‘higher tier’’ chests to those hard to reach places. I’d like better loot in higher tier chests in general. Like more gear certainty.
I am 100% against pre-determined loot though. This creates a very big issue. Namely, speedrunning towards a specific location to trivialize the game.
Have you only been playing the first hour of the game or something? The big chests after the patches almost always contain either a T2+ crafting material(ingot or wood planks) or a weapon. People are recently getting scythes, katana, greataxes, T3 staffs, etc now that the loot pool has been fixed. You just want to remove an ARPG element that is all