Here's how I would improve the Random Loot that discourages Exploration

My biggest issue with the game is that the randomized loot discourages exploration. There have been countless times where I explore a secret area behind a waterfall or do a jumping puzzle to get to a big chest, and I found crappy loot. I understand that the loot is randomized to mimic ARPGs and maybe I’m just unlucky, but they could increase the loot quality of certain chests. It made me not want to explore. Instead of risking my life climbing up the mountain to get to a chest that could have crappy loot, I’d rather just find chests that were on the ground and easy to access

Another Example: In the big city, there are numerous hidden chests to discover. However, these chests don’t offer anything unique; they contain the same loot as regular chests found throughout the world. This renders the exploration of the city chests somewhat pointless. While they provide additional chests to find, their lack of unique rewards undermines their value, especially considering that chests respawn elsewhere.

My suggestion is to split the upgrades that the player can get from the Plague Ichors into separate items (something like the Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears from Elden Ring) and reward the player with these items for completing a jumping puzzle, finding a secret location, exploring off the beaten path, or maybe even from quests. I found creating a new realm and defeating bosses quickly to be the best way to farm Plague Ichors but it didn’t feel fun or exciting to create a new realm and rush through everything. The Plague Ichors, which felt special and unique at first (from defeating bosses and completing the weekly bounties), they suddenly became something easy to farm and the upgrading of inventories seemed tedious like extra padding to unnecessarily extend my playtime.

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i think any chest should eventually have the same loot but bigger chests should contain more and chance to get rare items like blueprints and gems, also i think enemies should only contain armor, weapons and consumables and chest contain only raw materials for crafting and the ones i mentioned above.

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That’s an interesting idea. There does seem to be a lack of reward for exploring other than another chest which could potentially have bad loot. At many of the jumping puzzles in Nameless Pass, I would usually find 1-15 copper coins which isn’t nothing but it’s very unsatisfying. I get what you’re suggesting but I feel like it’d just be the same thing as farming Plague Ichors because then players can create new realms and farm those items that are similar to Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears but at least the player would have to complete a jumping puzzle or do something difficult to get it.

That’s an interesting idea. Separating the loot types to drop from certain things like chests or enemies could be helpful.

yes, that would sort everything in order, if i want to kill stuff i get items related for gear, if i want to upgrade or craft something i need to find chests and if i want to gather, mine or cut trees i can upgrade the town and items in the ground could just be anything common. and bosses could contain boss armor/boss armor blueprints, boss unique weapons, character skill tree items (if implemented) and rare gems/weapon runes or key items for dungeons.

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