Idea to Make it OBVIOUS the Crucible is Optional and Endgame

The Crucible being available so early might confuse newcomers to games not used to the genre conventions(MMO, ARPG, etc) as to the purpose of the Crucible. They might not realize that it’s optional, endgame, and repetitive so we think there might be a few solutions in the Discord.

  1. add a tablet/mirror/or have Elsa do it where you can see the stats of your progress in the Crucible. Show your rooms cleared count, gloamstones collected, enemies killed, etc whatever you want. This makes it obvious there’s some kind of repetition to it just like how many roguelites do and even to newcomers they might realize this means you can expect these numbers to go up over time.
  2. add the Crucible to a “Side quest” bar but this has the downside of possibly making them think it’s a one-time deal and you get a guaranteed special reward at the end
  3. the most simple, but I know the devs care a lot about immersion and minimalism in this game, a pop-up lol

I think in the full release, the crucible will not be open from the start, it makes little sense.
They also need more meta-progression for your runs, or some rewards for your runs. Also an summary screen at the end.
They need to remove edges and falling to instant death in the crucible, unfun and unfair mechanic, not needed.

Completely approve this idea. And not only because I was part of the discussion that lead to this being posted by Death the kid : ). Cant upvote because the forum wont recognize that I’ve removed some of my previous votes.

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It’s difficult to label as optional if/when a core and important feature like respec is locked behind it though.

You don’t have to clear it, that’s true. Can just do a few runs, collect the Gloamseeds and unlock it.

But the fact does remain you need to do the Crucible to unlock Stat Re-Allocation. And at the scarcity of the higher tier upgrade mats, the Vendor being midway within it, and Exaltation, is really going to be tough to not do it at all. So optional is stretching it.

I suppose though you can argue that the content present outside the Crucible didn’t need the extra power before, and doesn’t now.