Idea for Enchanting - Chance at better odds for a wanted item roll

I’m going to keep this simple, as there is one thing that really stands out to me and it’s about Enchanting. I’d love for some system since we’re playing the RNG reroll many items here to get a good item, why not allow for some type of money sink to sorta bribe the Enchanter to weigh odds on one of your desired rolls. Not guarantee, but better chance.

It’s 1 Silver per Enchant try. Let’s say you throw 3 more Silver coins and get to choose movement speed. I picture some funny voicelines where the Enchanter could be nice, mock you or even some kind of grunt. I almost think like Tujen from PoE, where he reacts to your offers and feels insulted, or when he caves to your offer. Funny little voice lines in response.

Otherwise, I haven’t had many strong thoughts from there, just enjoying what has been given and thrilled to see where this game goes. Thanks!